Monday, May 3, 2010

A heartfelt thank you.

Friday was my Birthday.  I turned 29, an age I will now stay at - forever.   See, let me explain - it's not that I don't LOOOOOOVE Celebrating Birthdays, because, let's face it - everybody does!  It's a silly thing really, a small thing, and my husband is going to kill me for throwing him "under the bus" so to speak - but here it goes anyway.

My husbands birthday is October 21st.  October 21st of 2006, our friends - Ryan & Hilary Jackson - welcomed their second daughter into the world.  From that point on - Mike was adamant - he no longer had a birthday to celebrate.   

"When a baby is born on the same day you were, that baby then takes over celebrating."

What?!   That makes no sense - well, okay it sort of does, but not ready to admit it out loud, I asked him to explain what exactly he was talking about.   This is roughly what he said:

"For 29 years, I have celebrated my birthday, on this day.   Now, it's Haylie's turn.  She gets to take over, where I "left off" ... so to speak.  See?  That way, no one is 'required', if you will, to celebrate my birthday, but they are then required (if they know her of course) to celebrate Haylie's!  It's a win win!"

Baffled, I could not stop staring at him - did he really believe this?  I mean, really?  He did.  Without faltering, he really did believe this ... silly nonsense (as it appeared to be to me) ... now, when life dealt me the same deal it gave him - I don't think it's that silly anymore.

Two of my very dear friends had a baby girl, Elise, on Friday - my birthday - well, my former birthday.  I have decided to adopt Mike's theory, and remain 29 forever :) ha!  Well, some what.    On top of that very gorgeous gift (she's not mine, so I can't post a picture here - but trust me, She's Gorgeous) - I arrived home Friday from work to gifts in my mailbox.

See, Jo (one of the best friends I've ever had) and I write letters to each other, and enclose little trinkets we think the other would enjoy - often times she spoils Emily, LOL.  Just another reason I love her.   Friday, I had such a package waiting for me.  I can't ever thank her enough for being my sounding board when I need her, and for helping me when she doesn't even realize she's doing it.  Love you girl! <3

ALSO in my mailbox, was a card from a dear friend of mine, Ellen, who lives in Mississippi (I so hope the flooding isn't as bad for you as it is in parts of Tennessee {where Jo lives, stay dry ladies!!}) - a card that made me realize, that even though I know I'm blessed - it made me realize I didn't know quite HOW blessed I am.  I've never thought of myself as anyone special, that touched anyones lives in important ways.  Ellen showed me I was wrong.   Thank you Ellen, I love you!

Rounding out my mailbox full of goodies was a package addressed to me, from my most staunch supporter.  My fabulous, amazing, wonderful friend Jessi made me a gift.  Yep.   She made it - for me.  I don't think there are accurate words to describe how wonderful it made me feel to open the envelope (after reading her notes and messages) and find the hand made gift.   <3 Friends For Always, IN All Ways. <3

The gifts didn't end there.  I had the pleasure of dining with my Hosebeast - Andrea, and her fantastic MIL, Kathy, and D-Man.  (alex's son - Andrea's nephew, Kathy's grandson) .. though we were late, they stayed and enjoyed some fine music and cuisine with us, a gift unto itself really.  I believe I regaled you all with the tales of Andrea and my adventures with the cow punch?  if not, I will, at some point - however, today, I shall regale you with tales of my NEW punchers.  Oh yes, she did.  I am now the proud owner of 2 new paper punchers - a heart, and a star, and they shall never be far from reach.   Where ever I go, I shall have them with me.  I Love you Hosebeast, now and forever.

I thank you all, from the very bottom of my soul - for making me realize I DO make a difference, to someone(s) out there.  Though I did cry, upon opening each gift, they were happy tears - thankful tears - love filled tears.

Thank you.

 I never truly allowed myself to believe


Anonymous said...

I love you too doll, forever!! I'm still working on finding a cow punch.. it will happen, oh yes, it will!!!!

Jessi said...

I'm glad you had a great day-- you deserve it. Here's to many more 29th birthdays! :)