Monday, March 29, 2010

So baby, why don't we just dance ...

This time of year makes me feel better, inside and out.  The birds are waking up that have been "hiding" all winter, the grass is breaking free of the icy ceiling that's been keeping it down.  Not to mention the flowers and trees waking up and blooming again.  Vitamin D.  Just what Dr. Jessi ordered ;)

I can't wait until Spring is REALLY here.  Longer - warmer - days ... bright sunshine, bright green lawns, beautiful bright flowers ... picnics, walks, rides with the windows down, having the windows open at the house.  Being able to plant flowers, feed the birds (easier), paint the front door, paint the bedroom (YAY!!!) ... I enjoy those things very much.  To finally put the finishing touches on "our house" ... to make our room our own, window treatments, paint, slip covers.  These are the things I'm looking forward to this Spring.

Landscaping is going to be a HUGE part of our Spring/Summer - Summer, however, - will be spent mostly on the boat, for that I cannot wait.  I'm happiest with my friends/family, camera, our boat, the water, the sun, and a cold drink in my hand.  The laughs that I have on that boat - rival every other laugh until then, and every other laugh since.  It's hard to put into words the way being on the boat makes me feel.  Though, that's a blog for another day!

I love the sunshine, and I love love love the feeling of rebirth, the feeling of new - that comes with each Spring. It never ceases to amaze me the way things look when the grey of the tail end of winter melts away, to reveal the beauty of new flowers, new grass, new trees, new animals.  There is nothing like the smell after a warm Spring rain (the warmer rains are coming) ... the damp earth, the flowers, the grass ... even the pavement after the rain.   It's invigorating!  That sounds funny, doesn't it?

Emily and I took a walk this Saturday, after our failed Easter Bunny adventure (a blog will come about that, I promise) - it was brisk, so it was a QUICK walk, but we enjoyed the time anyway.  (I forgot my camera today, it's plugged in at home - I swear I'm losing it - so pictures will be up tomorrow)  It was cold enough for icicles to form on a tree, ice to cover some standing water in a drainage ditch, and snow piles still around in certain groves of trees.  Emily held the leashes for the girls, and Pixie - my poor little poochie - shut down 1/2 way through and ended up being carted around on my shoulder for the remainder of our jaunt.

I can't wait for the sun to come back, and the air to warm up, so that we can walk each night - either before or after dinner - doesn't matter.  I just cannot wait to get out into the fresh air, each day.  I know that Emily will enjoy it thoroughly, and the dogs will get used to the exercise.  Heehee.

Here's to fresh air, warmer weather, and new flowers, new trees, New Life.

1 comment:

Jessi said...

There's my girl.
I loved the "feel" and writing in this blog. Well done!
"Dr. Jessi" ;p