Wednesday, June 9, 2010

New Residents?

I apologize, my faithful readers, for the sporadic nature of my recent postings.    While we have had some obstacles, for lack of a better term, lately - we are choosing not to dwell on those, and have decided to move forward with a happy attitude, and a happier outlook.  I'd be going against that outlook if I posted about them here, so ... That is all I'm going to say about it.   However, believe me when I say - we are better off without these obstacles, we are better off with this outlook.

Now, onward and upward ... We've added some bird feeders, seed bells and a thistle "sock" (for the finches) to our front yard, and are in the process of potting (well, re-potting) some plants and flowers we had last year, that some how survived my black hands (not just thumbs, here, I can't seem to keep plants/flowers alive!!) and the winter.   (Once they're finished, I'll have pictures of that stuff too.)   It's been incredibly difficult for us to keep the feeders full, and it's not entirely the birds!

No siree, it's been the squirrels, the chipmunks, field mice ... other rodents (who are all equally adorable, and annoying) who reside in our yard, trees, neighborhood ... I'm contemplating buying a squirrel feeder, and hanging it somewhere a little away from the bird feeders, but, I haven't decided if that's a good idea.  I don't want them to "go away" but I don't want them to get too comfy either.

The other night, after work, when Mike was clearing some branches, brush and other yard-ish debris, in order to put an air conditioner in the downstairs window - he had the bulkhead to the basement open.   Standing at the end of our kitchen table, waiting for the AC to be handed up to me, Emily and I were looking out the window, into the yard and talking about where she wanted to hang a bird house, another bird feeder, and where the best place to put her "garden" might be.  

This is what - or rather - who we saw:


This little guy, and his Friends &/or Family - have decided to take up residence in front of the bulkhead, and have a series of tunnels - with entrances and exits - all over our yard.  Now that we're trying to find ways to - accommodate? - the critters in the yard, we're not sure if we should try to have them moved, or just leave them where they've nested.

I think, for now, as we haven't had any damage to any property, or any structural issues - we'll just leave them.

For Now ... :)

1 comment:

Jessi said...

Ugh. I have "rodents" mostly moles. It's a shame I think they are too cute to do anything about.

Yay for bird feeders/bird houses. We are making them now! You must visit my bird room!