She is smart, she is witty, she is kind, caring, gentle.
She is also mean, fresh, mouthy, sarcastic and bitter, and vicious.
My child is five.
Those times when she grates on my last nerve with her mouthy fresh barbs. Those times when I think - I can't take it anymore - I'm done, over it - out. (and trust me, they happen. embarrassingly, they happen) Those times when I have just Had It. Those times? I need to remind myself - she's only five.
She acts, talks, thinks, and reacts like a 12 year old.
She acts, talks, thinks, and reacts like a 5 year old.
My child is five.
as much as I absolutely, without fail, miss this little girl:
I absolutely, without fail, adore this one:
I need to remember. She's Only five.
She has those moments where she makes my heart melt:
But really .. she's only five.
We will have days when we fight, when she says things that are hurtful. When she pushes those buttons... but then.
She's Only Five.
And she does stuff like this:
And then I laugh, and smile .. and melt again
who is that person picture bombing?
I have no idea LOL -- he has a little kid behind Em. you can see the kid in a few other shots, but they're not good ones of Em, so I don't remember if I posted them.
lol. creeperman
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