Friday, October 29, 2010

What is *your* favorite?

Pair of Shoes:    
Flip Flops - Any color, though this year, they were black with zebra stripes.

Piece of Clothing:
Pajama's .. I *love* my PJs

Much harder to answer .. Much Harder .. I think "Anne of Green Gables" has been one of my favorites since I was a kid.  I'll go with that for now .. but I'll definitely think about it.

Ever After

TV Show:
I have a few that I "can't miss" (Thank goodness for DVR and Hulu) .. but as for a favorite?
Supernatural, NCIS, Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice are the 4 that come to mind

Oh I have many .. my garlic green beans are pretty fantastic, if I do say so myself

Lately, I smile whenever I hear
"Stuck Like Glue" by Sugarland
"Smile" by Uncle Kracker
"The Best Day" by Taylor Swift (don't judge)

Tough one.   my wedding day, when I found out I was pregnant, when I found out I was having a girl, and the moment I saw Emi's face are probably the top 4.

Reading - Eating bad good food - playing with Emi - taking pictures - playing with my animals - writing letters ... blogging :)

Seltzer Water.   Without Ice.  Sometimes with a slice Lemon or Lime.

anything I don't have to cook, or clean up - generally.

Pedicures.  I *hate* feet .. they are the one thing I cannot stand touching me, seriously, it's bad.  However, I love having my feet look cute.  Even in December or January when the snow is 4 feet deep ... hmm ... day trip soon I think

I'm sure there are other "favorites" I could list .. it was hard enough coming up with the answers to these ... I'll think of something else.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Being Amy

I have very few things that are my own.   Where I can go and be myself, just me - not mom, not wife, not sister, not daughter - just Amy.

As a matter of fact, I can count them on one hand, with two fingers.   That's right.  I Have Two Things - That Are My Very Own.  To the average person, that may sound sad - but to me??  It's perfect.  I love spending time with my family, can't even begin to put it into words how much I do enjoy spending time with them - however, I need my time too.

The first of these two things is sort of - practical.  In a way.  I have refused to join a gym since 2005.  I was a member of Planet Fitness for a few years, and used that membership for a pretty significant amount of time prepping for my wedding.  After we received word that my Grammy was gravelly ill and fighting Stage 4 Lung Cancer - I stopped going.   It felt - vain, shallow - wrong.  I still dieted and took care of myself, but for much bigger reasons. I digress, at any rate - since then Mike and I have been tightening our belts, and cutting unnecessary spending - and in my mind, the gym at 60+ dollars per month, was one of them.  Enter Dance Class.   For 40/month - Emily has been enjoying learning ballet and tap at Studio 109 - every Wednesday night from 5pm to 6pm .. which I am beyond excited about.   That being said, every Wednesday night from 5-6pm, Studio 109 also offers Kick Boxing.  For 5 dollars per class.  I began to ponder whether or not I would survive an hour of kick boxing - it's not as easy as Billy makes it sound ... trust me.

After a couple weeks of pondering (Emi's first dance class was September 8th) I decided to put all my cons aside and give it a shot ... in reality, my cons were thrown out the window ... A) It was inexpensive B) I was already there - I didn't have to drive to a different town to attend the gym C) I was there with Emily - I didn't need to arrange child care, which was cost effective ... and finally - D) I knew people there, I wasn't alone, and I wouldn't be embarrassed because they were there for the same reason I was.  After stopping at the clearance racks at the local Kohls I was ready to get my kick box on.

I have gone for 3 straight weeks, and look forward to going more and more.  Was even thinking of adding a second class to my schedule, but we'll have to work that out with Mike's work, and child care, and all that - plus I'm not sure if I could function if I added a second class - just yet.   soon, I'm sure.  Just - not yet.  I'll get there.  I have faith.  Lots of faith, that I'll get there one day.

The second thing I have .. is more .. personal.  I love to read, I make no bones about that - I have personally devoured more books than I could recall, and I continue to devour books by the day.  Yep, BookS as in - plural  ...  a good friend of mine posted once on her Facebook about a Book Club meeting - to which I responded with my interest, and from there - the journey began.

The first book we read was:   Waiting: The True Confessions of a Waitress ... hilarious.  Nothing like the *movie* of the title Waiting - however, hilarious none-the-less.  I read it, and enjoyed each page .. prepared for the meeting and posted on my friends page that I couldn't wait for the following day ... ONLY TO FIND - I'd missed it by a week.   Yeah, I need a calendar - badly.  (I could also use an address book, but - baby steps ;) I have it on my Christmas List.)

The second book we read was: The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo ... by far - one of the best books I've read in a while.  Gripping, tantalizing - Horrifying.  If you haven't read it - trust me, you need to.  I will be taking time to read the second - and third - book of this series - Sadly, the author Stieg Larsson passed away before finishing books 4 & 5, so in a way, we'll never get to know what happens to the characters of the books - specifically Lisbeth.   Read it.  Please.  Just - trust me.  Read it.


I made it to that meeting, and enjoyed myself so immensely I couldn't believe I was lucky enough to have those few hours being Amy.  Discussing a passion of mine, with fellow adults - discussing a book I thoroughly enjoyed, and taking part in foods that are either traditional Swedish fare, or silly-like related to Sweden (IE the Swedish Fish I brought .. sort of an Ice Breaker :) hehe)  I cannot wait for the next one - cannot wait.

This book is: Ape House:  A Novel ... when you read the description, which I know you will .. my little book worms - don't be discouraged, I'm more than half way through it already - and it's a very decent read.   For this meeting (the 21st of November) we'll be bringing a dish, a bottle of wine (or our drink of choice) and a Yankee Swap Gift, up to 25 dollars - that is fitting with the theme of "animals" .. not just Great Apes - but all animals.   


I am giddy with anticipation, and I can't wait to continue this track of having things of my own. 

I am happy to be Amy.   Just - Amy.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wicked Wednesday

Last year, on October 16th, I lost a very special pet.

Rufus was a phenomenal cat, and I miss him every day.  His death was nothing short of disastrous for me, because I had taken care of him since he was 4 weeks old. He lived a great life.  We say good night to him every night (we told Emi he's in the sky, in heaven and he's watching over her as a star now.) and think of him every day.

I've been asking for a while now, to add another cat to our home - to be more specific, to add a "Gulliver" (or Gullie) to our home.  Not to replace Rufus, surely, nothing or no one could ever replace the Old Man - but to give Sera (our remaining cat) someone of her kind to play with, and keep company.  

Now, Sera turned 9 this year, and I know getting a kitten would require work on my part, and a lot of adjustment on hers.   Mike has been against this idea - since its inception .. steadfast, "no more cats" .. it's not that he "hates" them, it's more - he hates having to clean up the litter boxes, and the fur and all that come with kitties.  Me?  I sort of enjoy taking care of animals, I feel like - they deserve it, much like innocent babies (in some cases) - they didn't ask to come into this world, and are often left to fend for themselves - this is horrid to me.  Every animal deserves a happy, healthy, loving, caring, warm home.  Every.One.

Recently, a friend of mine rescued a stray kitten from the dashboard of a broken down car in a friends yard (her friend, not mine) ... he is an orange tabby, with short-ish hair.  They named him "Dash" and began taking care of him, soon discovering neither my friend, or hers, could keep him.   Convinced he would become my "Gullie" I began texting Mike ... it started like this:

Me:  Congratulations Daddy!  It's a Boy!!
His response:  No.
Me:  How can you say no to his face?  he's sooooo cuuuuttteeee
His response:  No.
His response:  They're all cute when they're babies.
Me:  Come on, just think about it - he needs a home!
His response: No.
Me:  Gullie says he loves you lots and can't wait to meet you.
His response:  We'll talk about it later.
(getting warmer!!)
Me:  Really???!!
His response: No.

Now, keep in mind, at this point I'm doing some research, I needed to find out how much a vet visit would be, what he needed when they saw him - and how much all that would cost too.  Since he was a stray, it would have been nearly 200 dollars, for the first visit - and another hundred dollars cumulative for the next few visits to make sure he was healthy, and the vaccinations were up to date.   200 dollars?  for the first visit that - since we have 3 other pets and a small child - in the home, would have to be immediate.   Yikes.  I can sense where this is going.

Needless to say, Dash did not come home with us that weekend.  However, he has since found a happy, healthy home and is loving being spoiled.

Fast forward 2 weeks.  Two Short Weeks.  I hadn't been feeling well and had somehow pulled a shoulder muscle either the night before, or at some point during the day at work - and decided to head to bed early, take some medication to ease the discomfort, and enjoy a few chapters in the current book I was reading.   From downstairs, I hear his cell phone go off .. he's texting!  But .. to who?

Sneaky and completely irresponsibly, I creep down the stairs and hear him talking .. okay that's weird.  His aunts cat had recently had a litter of 6 kittens, and were we still looking at getting a kitten for Emily (sha, that's it - for Emily) ... sadly, the runt of the litter didn't make it .. however .. Mike agreed that Emily needed a kitten and sure, when they were ready - we'd take one..

Specifically This One:

Clearly he didn't want me to hear this, however, I couldn't contain my excitement and hustled down the stairs .. much to my dismay, the sleazy smile on his face showed me he knew I was creeping.  Busted.

Now, to wait the 4 weeks until they'd be ready to go to new homes ... that was the hardest part.  Emily wanted to take Gullie home every day, and proceeded to beg - every day.  We tried to get to his aunts house to visit and get to know said kitten before it was time to take him home, but for one reason or another, it never happened.  Fast Forward to October 2nd.

Emily and I had placed a sticker on the calendar, a little gray and white kitty sticker, so that she could count the days until Gullie was coming home.   We put one on the September page, and one on the actual date in October.

When the time came, she FLEW out of her bed, ate breakfast and got dressed faster than the speed of light, I swear it.  On the drive up to Mike's Aunt Tammy's house - she was beyond excited ... I mean, beyond excited.  Silly mommy, forgot her camera at home - however, we were able to take some pictures with our cell phones.

While there, we got to spend some time with Mike's aunt and one of his cousins, and play with Gulliver and the other kittens - we were taking Gullie and one other home, the other was to go to a co-worker of mine, for his daughter.  His name is Brick (the new kitten, no the co-worker).  I was getting ready to say goodbye, while Emi was chasing the remaining kittens, and snuggling with the smallest kitten there - one we thought was a little girl kitty, when Mike turns to his aunt and says something - that shocked everyone in his presence, and every one we've spoken to since.  (remember - Mike was against me getting Gullie)

Mike:     So .. Aunt Tammy, would you be uh, mad, if we took two?
Tammy:  You *are* taking two!
Mike:     No, I mean, uh - two for us, AND the other one for Dave?
Me:       Are you serious?  You - who didn't want the one? (holding said kitten)
Mike:    Yeah, I know but - look how cute she is - I mean, I can't take Gullie from his entire family, and leave this one by herself.
Tammy:  You're out of your mind - and don't worry, I have 8 more kittens that'll be ready to go to new homes in the next 6 weeks - you're not breaking my heart ... (her other cat had delivered 8 healthy kittens 2 weeks prior)
Me:       Well, you know me, I'd be a crazy cat lady if you let me!
Mike:     Okay, we'll take Gullie, Brick and this one ... that Amy's holding.

We agreed to take the second kitten, said our goodbyes, and thank yous - headed out the door and got everyone situated in the van.

On the ride home we bantered over what to name our new found kitten, and had almost settled on Fluffy (a sort of, family joke) when Mike came up with something else entirely.

Amy:  What about Sully?  Sullivan?  Like on Monsters, Inc.?
Mike:  Nah, I know!  FLUFFY!   We shall name her Flufffy!
Uproarious laughter follows as we continue to banter names back and forth

Amy:   She's awfully Tiny.   I wonder if she was the next smallest after the runt (the runt, sadly passed away, leaving 5 kitten siblings behind.)
Mike:  I've got it!   Olliver.   Olliver and Gulliver.  Hell, our girl dog's name is DEXTER, why not?
Amy:  I like it, Emi, what do you think?
Emi:    I want to name her Emily.  Like Me.
Amy:  Well, that would be hard for momma, see we have the teach the kitties right from wrong, and it'd be hard to keep saying "EMILY NO!" when you're not doing anything wrong.  Can you think of another name?
Emi:   GULLIE!
Amy:  Through giggles - we have a Gullie, we need a name for the second kitten
Emi:    Daddy can pick *he* wanted her.
Mike:  Ollie it is!

Emi with Gulliver
(seriously, how can you say no to this face?)

The Mayo House is a little more crowded, in fact - we've grown by eight feet!
Our New Babies
Olliver is on the Left and Gulliver is on the Right

Gulliver with his fancy new collar
Olliver, after his bath

We soon discovered, after giving them quick flea baths with liquid dish soap (as instructed by the vet) and treating them with 1/2 a dose of flea protection, on the instruction of my Feline Aficionado Andrea - that they are in fact, both boys.

Having two kittens in the house, with a grown cat (she's nine this year) and two dogs is a lot more than Mike anticipated, but we're enjoying every single moment of it.

Now, we need a bigger bed - it seems the cats, the dogs AND Emily all vie for a spot in our bed, in the middle of the night .. the dogs, and Emily, are shuffled back into their own beds - and the cats are left to fend for their own space.  Gullie?  He sleeps on Mike's pillow, above his head - Ollie?  He sleeps with me, on my shoulder - much like Rufus used to do.   It's odd, in a way, I feel like Rufus would approve of these little guys, and it makes me happy to bring them into a safe, happy, healthy and loving home.

"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower." ~ Albert Camus

Happy Autumn!!!

(I know, I'm a few .. weeks .. late)

Without fail, Autumn is my most favorite time of year - Granted, I love boating, so Summer is right up there, and Spring is when the flowers wake up and things are all new again ... plus, Winter is a great time for Kids to be, well, Kids, so that makes Winter important too ... but for an assortment of reasons ... apple picking, pumpkin carving, baking, breaking out the crock pot, flannel blankets, warmer pajamas, the smell of the heat coming on for the first time, Thanksgiving (my favorite) - and of course, Emi's favorite - Halloween.   And there are more.  Many, many more.

This weekend, we're planning on participating in a corn maze - again.  We had so much fun the first time we went, that it's becoming something we look forward to doing each fall .. this will be the second year (we missed last year because Mike had to work so much) we actually take part, we also get to take a tractor pulled hay ride out to a pumpkin patch, and choose a pumpkin for Emily to "carve" - except this year, I found these face pieces that Emily can just - push in, through the pumpkin's skin/flesh - whatever.   I can't wait for her to get to use them, and I promise there will be pictures.

For now, here are some pictures from this past weekend - Mike's Aunt hosted a second "annual" Octoberfest at her house, and Emi played some games.

Having daddy clean out and carve up her pumpkin

Writing her name, AND drawing ears.

Asking "Uncle" Nick (really my husbands cousin) to be her partner in the "sack race".

Sack Race!!  :) She had the best time

Eat the donut off the string, without using your hands - "Uncle" Nick Helped :)

Pinata!!!   She has a fierce swing!

Emily and her Finished Pumpkin

All the Pumpkins all lit up <3

Yep, I love this time of year.