This summer, I've been trying new things.
I've been finding inspiration in the weirdest places.
Amongst them - are a few listed here:
Jill is an amazing woman. An amazing mother, an amazing writer, and an amazingly crafty person. She has inspired me to get fancy with Emily's snacks and lunches for school. I have purchased a few things to help with this endeavor, not many as we're still tightening our belts, but as Jill says - you don't have to break the bank to make snacks/lunches fun. You're going to spend the time putting them together, why not have a good time while doing it - or some such, I'm paraphrasing.
I'm worried Emily spends too much time in front of a screen. Be it the TV, The Computer, Her Leap Pad, Daddy's Ipod, Mommy's Cellphone - whatever. Entirely Too Much Time. Tinkerlab is a fantastic site that shares creative ideas, and sites, for parents. I wish I had a million free hours, and an endless supply of money, crafting supplies, etc.
This is one of the ideas from Tinkerlab. I cannot wait to get this done. Emily has a new obsession with ISpy - she plays it in the car, she has a few ISpy (and other hidden object books) and it brings me such love and happiness to see her enjoy something that I myself find fun.
Britely is a recent obsession - to date, I've only made 2. One of inspiring quotes, and the other of things I've learned through blogging. They have a prompt every day/night, and you can choose to enter your idea or not. It's your choice. They do have a contest - where you can win 1000 dollars, or something like that - but in reality, the creative outlet they offer - while the money would be so freakin' helpful - is worth more to me. (warning, you will become addicted to making these little brites, and you will curse knowing me. You're welcome)
Amanda is so damn crafty. She makes beach toys out of aluminum cans, Luminaries out of epsom salt and jars, garden signs out of little tag things, watermelon signs out of popsicle sticks, fairy houses (!!!!!!) out of garden twigs, leaves, acorns, etc, and a bird house ... and so much friggen more. I wish I could be crafty like Amanda. I really truly do.
This is one of my very best things in the entire world (and having friends on various different continents, in various different countries, I can actually say that!) Jo is one of *the* most talented photographers I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Some of my favorite photos, are hers. Jo is an inspiration to me in so many ways, I couldn't list them all if I tried. I wish her so much luck in this new endeavor, that she continues with her passion, and finds peace - I absolutely truly do.
I wish I can be like any of these people, someday. Crafty ;)