Ring - a - ling ... hear them ring ...
OK sorry, had a miniature musical moment ... So Christmas seems to be approaching quicker each year, and ya know, it makes me a little crazy. As I think Christmas has gotten way to commercial, and the meaning of the Holiday has slipped from peoples minds, I also think - it's a great time to instill your beliefs and values into your children, and the children of those around you. Which I know, is easier said, than done - sometimes.
I read an article today, that not only tugged at my heart strings, but also made me pause, and consider doing something like that with Emily. Let me explain.
My child, is spoiled. Not in the normal sense where she gets what she wants, when she wants it, every time she wants it Spoiled .. but .. more like .. going to the store and seeing something she'd love, or something she'd enjoy playing with ... and she ends up with it. She has more toys than Toys R Us, and we know it. We know she's spoiled, we know she's getting more than she should - and sadly, we can't do anything to stop it. We've tried, we really have. (I know, the normal parent defense)
This news story, is about a 3 year old boy, who (following his parents tradition) donates his toys to the YWCA ... Three Years Old, and he loves this. He gets to play "Santa" for kids that need help, or are in a bad place. Three Years Old. That got me thinking.
Each Christmas, since Emily has been here - (she'll be 3 in April) - we've gone through her things, and donated the things she either doesn't need, fit in or use anymore. Before we had her, we donated our outgrown clothes to the Salvation Army, or Planet Aid, or something like that -Usually, we donate her things to friends and families that we know personally, who we know could get good use out of our "old stuff" ... this year, while I will be saving certain things for our friends ... I will be instead donating the bulk of it all to Victims Inc., Rochester Rotary Charity and a few other local charities, that will be able to disperse our stuff to those that need it, when they need it.
The economy now is hurting, which means changes everywhere .. a local company I know of has had HUGE cut backs, and because of that, some professional friends of mine, were let go .. It makes me realize, just how lucky I am - to have what I have, to be where I am, and to do what I do.
I'm Blessed.
I'm Thankful.
Here's the story that made our new tradition ... Really Sweet Holiday Story
May it inspire you, as it inspired me.
Merry Christmas.
I love you all, and am thankful and blessed to have each of you, in my life.
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