Thursday, December 31, 2009

... Let Go Of the Past - and - Focus On the Future ...

Today is the last day of the year 2009.

Many Many wonderful things have happened to me this year, and quite a few not so wonderful things happened as well .. I'm not the kind of person to "dwell" on the past so much, but as I sit here in my office, listening to the quiet (heh, I'm alone this morning) I can't help but "dwell" a little on the past year.

I've seen friends come, and go - bonds strengthen, and shatter - friends have babies, lose loved ones - Lost some Loved ones of my own - and through out it all, I can't help but hear my lost loved ones voices echo in my head to "let the past go, and focus on tomorrow".  Which in many cases is quite easier said - than done.

I've been "dwelling" on my losses,  and not so much on my gains ... which seems unbalanced to me.  In a way.  I've gained my best friend, our bond is beyond unbreakable - I've gained my support, without whom I most definitely would have shattered ... I've gained respect, personally and professionally, in a field where not many women flourish, I have ... My marriage has had some rough patches, but we've gained so much more.

I've lost Rufus, WE'VE lost Howie, Friends have lost children, either born or unborn, Friends have lost loved ones ... Many celebrities have been lost this year, young ones, old ones, new ones ... In the blink of an eye, 2009 became the year of Loss for so many.

I don't often set forth "resolutions" for myself at the end of the old year, and beginning of the new.  I see these as little things that people often promise to "resolve" and then, in March, decide, life was so much better with out the added pressure of those promises made.  However, today, this year, and next, I have come up with a resolution that I think I can handle.

That I believe I can fulfill - that I know I can Live With.

So today, on this the last day of 2009, as I sit in my silent office, re-reading my words, and listening to the sounds of my fingers on the keyboard, I pledge the following (of course, there will be room for SOME slight changes .. you'll see what I mean in a minute ...)

I pledge to live my life, to the fullest.
I pledge to live my life, full of love, and honesty.
I Pledge .. To Live

Today, I resolve to laugh more, and yell less - to love with my whole heart, and forgive when needed - to play with my daughter, instead of watch TV after dinner - to enjoy the outdoors, as much as possible - to be there, when my true friends really need me ... Today, I Resolve to Live. <3


May your New Year bring happiness, health, faith, love and kindness ... stay safe, now and always

My Camera, Is an Extension of my Arm

All of my friends, and even some strangers, know that I take my camera .. Everywhere.

If I don't have my camera with me, consider me feeling mostly naked - not a fun feeling.  I like to be able to capture those moments, that you wish you could steal forever.   The ones you wish you never forgot.

And sometimes, you find beauty in unexpected places .. things that make you pause, and consider life, or that there may just be something better for you on the horizon.

Looking at life through a camera lens, makes me feel important .. because in my mind, I'm recording history.  I'm recording moments - as they happen.

These, are some of my favorite moments, from the past year .. I hope you enjoy them now, as much as I enjoyed taking them.







(technically I didn't capture these last few .. but they're still some of my favorites)





There are so many more .. It's crazy .. these are just a few ..

Happy New Year!

New Friends, Old Friends, Best Friends -- Here's to New Moments!


May the sun set on all your problems, and rise to new solutions

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

He came, He Saw, He Made a Mess in My Living Room ...

With Santa Day safely behind us, and New Years on the Horizon, it's time to post the Christmas Festivities Photos.  There aren't as many as I'd HOPED to get .. We were SO busy ..

All in all Christmas was good, and we all had a great time, got a lot of great gifts - but I'm (not so) secretly glad it's over until next year.  Hopefully, we can talk some people into visiting Christmas Eve, and that's it .. but I doubt it, very much.

Anyway, on with the photos!

Emily's Offerings to Santa and His "Team" ...
(Mommy forgot the carrots, but we read Rudolph likes Cheese!)


Emi's Haul from the Fat Guy in Red.
There really isn't as much there as it looks - it's all on a BIG Art Desk .... though, she did get a TON of stuff ...

Opening her Cinderella Barbie, grateful Santa didn't forget it!

Opening her Stocking with Mommy.
(one of her gifts is a "dress up trunk" stocked with Princess Outfits .. complete with the crown on her head)

The Bouncy house from His Parents.


My Big Girl :)

There are 5 kids attached to Mike's legs .. you can't see them all, but they are there!

The Silly Kids
Emily, Kyle, Tyler (Katie snuck in there) Baily and Maddie


I have no words, I do not know why my child is pirouetting and not opening her gifts .. she's freakin' hilarious that one. :)

Hope your Christmas Gatherings were fun, full of love, laughter and no drama!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It's Almost Santa Day!!

This will be my last post before Christmas, and though, I've said it a thousand times before .. this time of year does nothing but stress me to the max, I am actually looking forward to Emily's face on Christmas Day.     Possibly even more so than I'm looking forward to this Holiday Season being over.   I KNOW!   How is that possible?

Scary, but it's possible.  More than possible, it's pretty much fact.  Which I swore would never happen.  I don't get excited for Christmas, I won't get excited for Christmas ... I'm Excited for Christmas Day.  For Emily on Christmas Morning, to be more specific.

I'm lucky to have the life I have, with the people I have, and the things we have.  And I know this.

I'm fortunate.

Anyway, I'm getting off track here ...

A few weeks ago, Emily and I sat down and wrote her letter to Santa ... We chose the "take an ad, choose an item, and cut it out, then tape it to Santa's letter" method ...




Hopefully, Santa got her letter, and will bring her a few of the things she chose ... out of the dozens she wanted ... Which, I'm fairly certain she got just about everything she asked him for, and then some - as I said before, Emily is a little spoiled .. perhaps more spoiled than other children) ...

So right, the point .. I'm getting off track again ...

Emily has been referring to Christmas as "Santa Day"  She's still too young to grasp the FULL meaning of the Holiday, but I have Faith that when she's old enough, we'll instill in her the real meaning - and what is important and isn't.   The price tags, not important - the thought, important .. we'll get there.

So on this, day before Christmas Eve ... we would like to extend our Christmas Blessings to you ..

... From Our Family to Yours - Merry Christmas ...
May All Your Holiday Dreams Come True and Your Problems Be Few


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I am Blessed .. I am Thankful

My Daughter

My Life

My Best Friend
My Support
My Vision
My Home

I am Thankful.

I am Blessed.

It's Christmas Time .. In the City ..

Ring - a - ling ... hear them ring ...

OK sorry, had a miniature musical moment ... So Christmas seems to be approaching quicker each year, and ya know, it makes me a little crazy.  As I think Christmas has gotten way to commercial, and the meaning of the Holiday has slipped from peoples minds, I also think - it's a great time to instill your beliefs and values into your children, and the children of those around you.  Which I know, is easier said, than done - sometimes.

I read an article today, that not only tugged at my heart strings, but also made me pause, and consider doing something like that with Emily.  Let me explain.

My child, is spoiled.   Not in the normal sense where she gets what she wants, when she wants it, every time she wants it Spoiled .. but .. more like .. going to the store and seeing something she'd love, or something she'd enjoy playing with ... and she ends up with it.  She has more toys than Toys R Us, and we know it.   We know she's spoiled, we know she's getting more than she should - and sadly, we can't do anything to stop it.  We've tried, we really have.  (I know, the normal parent defense)

This news story, is about a 3 year old boy, who (following his parents tradition) donates his toys to the YWCA ... Three Years Old, and he loves this.  He gets to play "Santa" for kids that need help, or are in a bad place.  Three Years Old.   That got me thinking.

Each Christmas, since Emily has been here - (she'll be 3 in April) - we've gone through her things, and donated the things she either doesn't need, fit in or use anymore.   Before we had her, we donated our outgrown clothes to the Salvation Army, or Planet Aid, or something like that -Usually, we donate her things to friends and families that we know personally, who we know could get good use out of our "old stuff" ... this year, while I will be saving certain things for our friends ... I will be instead donating the bulk of it all  to Victims Inc., Rochester Rotary Charity and a few other local charities, that will be able to disperse our stuff to those that need it, when they need it.

The economy now is hurting, which means changes everywhere .. a local company I know of has had HUGE cut backs, and because of that, some professional friends of mine, were let go .. It makes me realize, just how lucky I am - to have what I have, to be where I am, and to do what I do.

I'm Blessed.

I'm Thankful.

Here's the story that made our new tradition ... Really Sweet Holiday Story

May it inspire you, as it inspired me.

Merry Christmas.

I love you all, and am thankful and blessed to have each of you, in my life.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Do Not Adjust Your Monitor ...

I've wanted to write all day today ... but couldn't figure out what I wanted to write.   It's funny .. the way inspiration hits, and when it does.  It does.

On my way back to the office from the shop --- I had to get my car fixed (nothing big) --- around 3:30 or so this afternoon, and while I was stopped in traffic, I saw this:


Gorgeous, Right?

Just another thing to be thankful for .. Beauty can be found any where .. Those colors, were really in the clouds, there was no adjustment made to my camera, or the final picture.  I still can't get over it.

Happy Wednesday Friends.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"When life is more than you can stand, kneel."

A very great friend of mine had that line in her blog the other day, and it's from a book she read (that I'll be picking up this weekend ...) this quote, gave me pause.

I stole it Jessi!   Thank You!!!

With all the drama, stress, strife, agitation and anger in the world today, it's time to count your blessings - or as it is, it's time for ME to count mine.  You get to read them.

So thanks for that too Jessi!  You gave me this idea for this blog, and I've been trying to find the right words to print here, and I think I may have found them.

2009 is winding down, and this time of year, every year, we all make resolutions -- what we're going to do better next year, what we're thankful for this year, what we want and hope for next year.  I refuse to make resolutions, every year, I make resolutions, and I fail to keep them.   I know, I need to be a stronger person.  I need to keep my Faith in myself, I need to do all sorts of things ... but this time, I need to remember what I'm thankful for, and what I DO have in my life.

The year has been good to me.  No matter what I say to the contrary, this year has been good to me.   This year has been good to my family, and my friends.  Sure, there have been bad things, sad things, horrible things, awful things, and borderline things - but for the most part, this year has been full of blessings.

My Blessings ... as I see them ...

* I have a beautiful family.  A beautiful husband, and a beautiful daughter.  Wonderful parents, and sisters, (and their other halves) that are always there if and when I need them, and even when I don't.

* We have a beautiful home, that we have worked so hard to keep, and make beautiful, and ours.

* We have some of the greatest friends, that are always there when we need them.  And even when we just want them around.

* I have two amazing dogs, and a fantastic cat.

* I have another guardian angel, even though Rufus is gone, he's with me.

* With the loss of a great friend, we've found those that mean the most to us, are still here for us.

It may not seem like a lot to everyone else, but those few things, mean the world to me.  And I thank God Every Day for the things I have .. and while I'm thanking him, I'm also asking him how I got so lucky.

Merry Christmas ... Happy New Year ... and may all your blessings be counted.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

... * Let It Snow * Let It Snow * Let It Snow * ...

In Honor of this Fabulous weather we're having 'round these parts ... I've decided to post my favorite "Christmas Song" ... and a little story about why I like it.

For as long as I can remember, I've loved Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra .. The Rat Pack .. Ella Fitzgerald, Etta James and all music of that era.  I thank my Grammy for that.  When I was a kid, my mom and sisters and I would dance around the house and sing the "Oldies" .. Our favorite, was "Poetry in Motion", by Johnny Tillotson - and in her Honor, at our reception, Mike and I had the DJ Play it for us girls.   My dad and I even danced to Frank Sinatra, "The Way You Look Tonight" (Hello Julia Roberts, thank you for lending me your song), and our final dance of the day was "At Last" as done by Etta James ... Classic.

Music is a very important part of my life, and for every "Life Event" ... good or bad ... I can remember a song, or "album" or artist, that stands out to me for that moment.   And there have been times, when I'm in the car, or listening to the radio here at work, and for whatever reason, I'm unhappy, or sad, or angry - and somehow, that one song plays, or someone mentions it, it's on hold music while I'm holding for my contact on the phone, or I'm minding my business and one of the guys walks by whistling the tune - That One Song.  It snaps you out of it.   Gives you reason to pause, if only for the moment.

This time of year, I have 2 songs that do that for more.  "Let it Snow" ... the always wonderful Dean Martin rendition and "White Christmas" ... the "best selling single of all time" by Bing Crosby ... when you hear either of these songs, you can't help but sing along, and "bop to the beat" (as it were.)

It's snowing here, as in borderline blizzard snowing (just as it is across much of the country) - though we can't complain, it is December 8th, and this is the first SIGNIFICANT snow fall we've had ... it still makes for a rough drive, if you have to go anywhere.   (Be Safe, please, if you do) ... so since it's snowing all pretty like, I've been listening to my "snow songs" (don't ask) and was inspired to write this up.

I don't have any pictures from this storm (yet - you know I will) so I'll use a couple from Sunday morning, before our "Christmas Tree Adventure with Santa" (as Emi has titled it -- though when she says it it sounds more like "Kissmust Tree venture wiff Sanna" ahhh 2 year olds) ... and of course, a couple videos I've found ...

I hope it puts some Christmas Spirit in your day.



Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Top Ten Festive Films

I know, I already have an entry for today, but .. I wanted to do another one.

As much as I loathe Christmas, one of the few things that makes it enjoyable for me, is the festive movies .. you know the ones, they're played EVERY year - repeatedly, on multiple channels, for multiple days ... starting on Thanksgiving?

Yep Those.

Here are my top ten choices - for Favorite Festive Films.

10) Santa Claus - The Movie

9) Frosty The Snowman (the first one)

8) Miracle on 34th Street (the original)

7) Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

6) It's a Wonderful Life

5) A Christmas Story

4) The Year Without A Santa Claus
3) Santa Claus is Coming to Town

2) Home Alone

1) The Santa Clause (the Original one)

Now, I know you're going to be asking why - and what's so great about THESE 10 that some of the other "Greats" didn't make the cut ... let me tell you - Elf, The Grinch and the original How the Grinch Stole Christmas are easily 11, 12 and 13.   That's not even counting Charlie Brown, or National Lampoon, or any of the other "classic" Christmas movies that were popular back then, and remain popular today.  These 10, however, they stick out a little more.

I have great memories of watching those Claymation movies when I was a kid, and we even went so far as to buy one of the "Christmas Classic Combo Pack" DVD sets so Emily could enjoy them too.

Here's my reasoning breakdown:

10) Santa Claus - The Movie
Simple reason:  Dudley Moore - as an Elf .. No really, if you've never seen this movie, or even heard of it - please go out and find it - if only for one viewing to tell me that you did.  The first time I saw this movie, I remember thinking how fantastic it was and how REAL it made Santa to me.
9) Frosty The Snowman (the first one)
Aside from the obvious, DUH best song Ever - I love the innocence this movie shows.   It makes me realize, while watching Emily watch it - that the magic, and innocence and fun plays out perfectly on her face.  Not only that, but I LOVE love love Jackie Vernon as Frosty, and Jimmy Durante as the narrator - just .. perfect voice matches for a perfect cartoon.

8) Miracle on 34th Street (the original)
There really is no other explanation needed than this exchange from the movie itself:
District Attorney: What is your name?
Kris Kringle: Kris Kringle.
District Attorney:  Where do you live?
Kris Kringle: That's what this hearing will decide.  
Judge Henry X. Harper: A very sound answer, Mister Kringle.
District Attorney: Do you really believe that you're Santa Claus?
Kris Kringle: Of course.
District Attorney: [long pause] The state rests, your honor.

and of course, this:
Alfred, Macy Janitor: Yeah, there's a lot of bad 'isms' floatin' around this world, but one of the worst is commercialism. Make a buck, make a buck. Even in Brooklyn it's the same - don't care what Christmas stands for, just make a buck, make a buck.

and my favorite:

Kris Kringle: Oh, Christmas isn't just a day, it's a frame of mind... and that's what's been changing. That's why I'm glad I'm here, maybe I can do something about it.

7) Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
One Word:   Island.of.Misfit.Toys - of course that's more than one word, but it works just the same - and really - I mean, Hermey, the Elf?  What's better than that?!

6) It's a Wonderful Life
There are some great lessons in this movie - not just lessons about enjoying the Holiday season, and what not - but lessons about enjoying what you have, and being thankful for what, and more importantly WHO is around you.
As Clarence said:  You've been given a great gift, George: A chance to see what the world would be like without you.

5) A Christmas Story

You're gonna shoot your eye out!  I have to admit, I only saw this movie in its entirety, in 2007.   I know, FOR SHAME!   Every year, this movie is played on a 24 hour Marathon on TV.  I've missed the beginning, and the end, but finally - FINALLY - got the chance to watch the whole thing through - and let me tell you - I laughed through almost the entire thing .. how can you not?   Each of us has most definitely gotten some sort of embarrassing gift from a well meaning family member, and most of us has probably wished for ONE gift that was either "dangerous" for us to own, or "not proper" (I'm a girl, and mostly wanted boy type toys growing up) ... Ralphie is a hero to us all.

4) The Year Without A Santa Claus
Five Words:   Mickey Rooney as Santa Claus ... and really --- the Miser Brothers .. come on!!

Snow Miser's Men: He's Mister White Christmas, he's Mister Snow. He's Mr. Icicle, he's Mister 10 below.
Snow Miser: They call me Snow Miser, whatever I touch turns to snow in my clutch. I'm too much.

Heat Miser's Men: He's Mister Green Christmas. He's Mister Sun. He's Mister Heat Blister. He's Mister Hundred-and-One.
Heat Miser:  They call me Heat Miser. Whatever I touch starts to melt in my clutch. I'm too much.

3) Santa Claus is Coming to Town
One of the best Claymation movies, ever.  I stand by that.  Burgermeister Meisterburger ... Tanta Kringle ... and again, Mickey Rooney, and Fred Astaire!  COME ON .. Classic.  

2) Home Alone
To see a 10-yr old boy defend his home, in such a slapstick happy go-lucky, get the bad guys in the end, and the Happy Family Ending, makes me smile every time.

My MOST Favorite Line EVER (and one of the main reasons I love this feel good film) :
I took a shower washing every body part with actual soap; including all my major crevices; including in between my toes and in my belly button which I never did before but sort of enjoyed. I washed my hair with adult formula shampoo and used cream rinse for that just-washed shine. I can't seem to find my toothbrush, so I'll pick one up when I go out today. Other than that, I'm in good shape.

1) The Santa Clause (the Original one)

Tim Allen = Santa ... priceless
And also - because when My sister Katie and I were younger, we had a babysitting job ... EVERY Time we babysat, we watched this movie, and ate market basket brand bbq chips (which are fantastic BTW) ... It never fails to make me smile, and laugh, and remember

Santa's Sugar Cookies

After we were finished decorating the tree, before we sat down to watch "Home Alone" Emily and I made sugar cookies.  Sort of a Test Run for Santa.

We bought Emily a book, plate and recipe set - that's where I got the recipe.

Now, again, if you know me at all - and I'm fairly certain by now, you all do - you know I cannot cook.  I cannot cook unless it's something I'm just following the instructions on how to heat up.  (with the exception of the amazing pot roast I made in the crock pot that one time --- thank you Kizzy) .. These Sugar Cookies, are from scratch.  No really.

Measuring, mixing, kneading, letting it rest, rolling out the dough - using cookie cutters to make cute shapes - from scratch.
And they weren't only EDIBLE, but they were DELICIOUS.

Because I was a little nervous, I didn't decorate them (pictures will be up tomorrow, I forgot - in my excitement - to take them Sunday) ok I lied, they're up today.


Without Further Pause ...

Santa's Sugar Cookies


2 cups flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup (or 1 stick) butter - softened
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon milk


Sift 1 1/2 cups of flour with baking powder and salt into a large bowl.
In a seperate bowl, use a wooden spoon to cream butter until soft.
Then, beat sugar, egg, vanilla and milk into butter with a whisk.
Stir flour mixture into the mix.  Add remaining flour (1/2 cup) a little at a time until the dough is stiff enough to roll out.  (This is VERY important, I misread this part and added the entire 1/2 cup at the same time --- whoops!!)
Refrigerate dough until well chilled - at least 2 hours.  (I had to let mine warm up a little after the 2 hours was up .. I contribute that to the flour goof)
When the dough has been chilled, and you're ready to roll it out - preheat your oven to 375.

Place dough on a lightly floured board, or smooth surface (I used my counter, and a bottle of unopened wine {no really we don't have a rolling pin or a big enough board} guess what Amy's asking Santa Mikey for this year!)  With rolling pin - or bottle of wine - roll dough into 1/2 inch thickness.  Using cookie cutters, cut your shapes.

Please on ungreased baking sheet - decorate (NOT with Frosting - but with sugar if you choose) Bake 8-10 minutes.

Using oven mitts (duh) remove the sheets from the oven, allow them to cool for a few minutes before removing.

Remove cookies from the baking sheets and place on cooling rack.  Allow cookies to cook for 5 minutes.

(IF YOU CHOOSE --- once cookies are cool to the touch, you may add frosting.)

Store Cookies in a tightly sealed container - makes 25-30 cookies

(we ended up with 27 1/2 - you know that little left over piece too small for the cookie cutters, it was a cute little ornament when we were done)

Enjoy, and don't forget to tell me how they came out!

Monday, December 7, 2009

The mood is right .. The spirits up ..

OK SO if you know me at all, And since you're reading my "private" (ha) blog, you probably do .. you know that 2 things I loathe in life are the Beatles, and Christmas.  It seems only fitting, then, that the blog entry I have decided to dedicate TO Christmas, is entitled with a Paul McCartney song (and by way of definition, I loathe him too)

Each year, since Mike and I moved in together (with the exception of the year of the "perfect tree" - oh I'll blog about that too) we have gone to a tree farm, and chosen, then cut down our own Christmas Tree.

In the past, we've gone to "Conely Farm" off of Meaderboro Road, in Farmington - and their trees have been - GORGEOUS.  The perfect Christmas tree shape, color, smell - just perfect.  Last year, we had one of the HARDEST times finding "the perfect" tree there, so this year we vowed to try another place - even if we just went back to Conely next year - at least we tried some where new.

This is the tradition that I look forward to every year - getting there, choosing the perfect tree, watching Mike cut it down, packing in the truck, heading home - That part, it always gets me.  It's just us, and the trees, and the rest of  the world, the drama, the heartache, it all fades away for the hour or so we're there.  It truly is magic.

SO this year, we decided to go to DeMeritt Hill Farm, located in Lee, (In other words, the place we go Apple Picking) .. for their "Reason for the Season" Holiday Special.  I know I know - it's not HOLIDAY - but it kind of is.  let me explain (no, really, simmer, it's ok I will explain)

I loathe it so very much when people (or companies) say "Holiday" instead of Christmas, as if they're being LESS offensive by changing what we've known for years, and removing what is so important to a lot of people - not just removing Christ from Christmas, but by removing all those memories people have by greeting one another by saying "Merry Christmas" or having "Christmas Parties" or "Christmas Parades" or what have you.  IMO (I know, I have a lot of those) By removing MERRY CHRISTMAS from everything, you're alienating a GINORMOUS amount of people, you're pretty much saying their beliefs are offensive, and wrong, and unkind.  Which is SO not the case.  SO when I saw that DeMerrit Hill Farm was having a "Holiday Special" my hackles got a little raised.

Come to find out - It's totally about Christmas.  From start to finish.   Well - what Christmas means to ME anyway.

See, what you do is you book your hay ride (though, we had snow so that was neat, and - No Hay because of it!) and you get to ride in a wagon pulled by Santa himself, up to the Tree Lot, you pick your tree and either you, or Santa, can cut it down - it gets loaded into the wagon, and you get to go back to the little school house and listen to "Twas the Night Before Christmas" read by Mrs. Claus.  The kids (if there are any) get to pick out an ornament (which Emily already broke, ah kids), receive a candy cane, a cookie, and some fresh, home made hot apple cider (the adults get to have fresh baked home made apple donuts) ... you get a wreath to take home too!

We booked it, and had the best time yesterday.  Here are a few pictures from our journey:

Emily on Our Personal Hay Ride with Santa ..

The Man Himself ..

Daddy & Emi, In Search of the Perfect Tree ..

As per tradition, Daddy cut down the tree, while Santa Assisted ..

A great way to warm up ..

 I was a little sad, that we didn't continue the tradition with Conely's Farm - however, I am glad we started this new one.  We'll most likely be back next year, because even if the tree isn't "The Perfect Shape" .. it's perfect because Emily chose it, and the fun we had getting it.

I also wanted to tell you about Emily's first time playing in the snow this year .. she was so excited,  had so much fun - and we barely had a dusting ..

Saturday it started to snow, then it started to snow harder, and finally, around 3pm, Emily decided it was time to play.  She got her hat, mittens, boots and coat, dragged them over to me and said "NOW Is it time to play in the snow momma?"  How can you say no to her?  I got her all bundled, and turned on all the Christmas lights, and out we all went.

She had the greatest time ever ... Laughing, squealing, running, throwing snow balls (well, fist fulls of little packed snow chunks ...) and my favorite, catching snow flakes.


Now, while I DO Actually LOATHE Christmas, not really the holiday itself, but what it has turned into - I love our little family traditions, and each year we seem to start something new ... besides the Hayride and stuff with Santa, this year Emily and I baked sugar cookies .. from scratch (Photos to come!) ... and we all sat around after dinner watching "Home Alone" eating sugar cookies and drinking cocoa.  (thanks to Jessi we're going to have REAL cocoa soon!!)

From our family to yours, we hope you all enjoy your Christmas Season.   May your days be fun, your evenings even more fun, and your memories life long.


Monday, November 30, 2009

Just when you think you have a handle on things ...

Life slaps you in the face with reality.

I had this .. witty, cute, rhetorical post all prepared in my brain on Saturday morning .. all about family gatherings, and the stresses of the Holidays, making sure you visit each family as you are supposed to, and delegating time with loved ones ... and then ... I get a phone call that stops me in my tracks.

You know the kind?  They take your breath away, without so much as a hesitation .. it's gone .. and you're left wondering - did I hear what I think I heard?  But you don't want it to be repeated, you want to think you're mind is playing an awful trick on you.  You want to believe everything is as it should be, and question your own sanity, for just a brief moment.

Yep.  One of those Phone Calls.  (they deserve capital letters, since my life will never be the same.)  Sounds dramatic, but .. I haven't slept well since I got That Phone Call.  That one call.  3 minutes, and life is different.

Let me paint the scene ... Saturday started like any other Saturday, we got up, got dressed, and headed to J&J's for breakfast.  We ate, joked around with the kids that work there (yeah, they're mostly my age, but they're still kids) stopped in to see Mike's grandparents up the road a bit, and headed to Portsmouth to get some clothes for Emily (who is growing like a weed, mind you) at Old Navy for their "Gobblepalooza Sale" .. on our way home, we stopped at Lowes got the stuff we needed to finish the outlet near the front porch, and got the rest of the "Christmas" (which is just decorations ... but to Emily, it's ALLLLLL Christmas) ..

I talked to my mom a bit and then Mike, Emi and I got lunch and headed home.

A couple hours later, I got "the Call" from my sister - she asked if I had spoken to mom, I replied I had - she asked when.   I told her about an hour or so ago - which it was - and that we were going to check the generator at their house, and Mom said not to worry about it - Katie stopped me and said, I just got off the phone with her, she and dad passed Ft. Jackson and sent me a photo of it ... I called to thank them, and Mom was crying.

: Enter Breath Taking Moment :

"Howie died today"

With those three words, my world stopped .. I can't imagine what those three words did to Kim, or Molly, or Adam, or any of his friends, or other family members .. but they stopped my world, cold.

See, Howie - was one of my dads best friends.  Howie was the owner of Granite Steak and Grill .. and Windjammers restaurants in Rochester .. Howie, was amazing.  One of the MOST genuine, honest, loyal, hard working, lovable guys I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.

I will never forget the times I was blessed to share with him, I will never forget his smile, his laugh, his voice ... But most of all, I will never forget the simple things he taught me - without even trying.

Rest in Peace Howie.
May your smile shine down on us when we need it,
and your hand lay upon our shoulders to guide us.
.. Loved by all who knew you ..
I am honored to be among the many.

Howard "Howie" Seckendorf

(a really nice article about Howie and his accomplishments)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The devil birds that live in my wall ...

That's not even just a clever little title, it's my life.  Sort of.

SO there is an emergency exit right behind my desk.  It's big, and green, and rickety, and sufficiently creepy.  I'm terrified - that's an understatement - beyond terrified of heights, well, extreme ones .. ladders, roof lines, etc.

Anyway, there are these - birds - apparently, they are European Swallows or Sparrows or something like that, that have taken up residence in my wall above said door - and have been tormenting me for six or more months.  Today, the boys downstairs, noticed a bird was stuck   In the powerlines - where they go from the pole to the building ... under that .. weather hood thing?   There.  This bird, is dangling from her foot, and has been there all day.

PSNH has refused to help us - and there are no other places (I have literally called them all) that can help us, until PSNH steps up.

This sucks.

Friday, November 20, 2009

That lives inside my head ...

As promised, here is the continuation of my Bucket List post.

The stuff I've already done ...

- Build a house .. no, not just any house - my dream house ...
Two years later - still my dream house <3
- See a Bald Eagle, in the Wild ...
Gorgeous, Isn't it?

- Be in a Best Friends Wedding ...
LOL two of them were already married at this point, so THANKS B!! hahaha <3

- Watch my daughter dance in the rain ...
Two years later, and she is still my greatest accomplishment <3
- See the Boston Pops Live ...
( Sadly, I don't have any pictures of this concert, I don't think my camera was working at that point.  And if I DO have photos, they aren't on this PC )
- See the Globetrotters Live ...
I Have - twice - and both times, I took pictures, but for some reason --- I don't have them on my PC
(ALSO - both times I won the tickets hahaha)
- See Kenny Chesney, Keith Urban, Brad Paisley and Dierks Bentley .. Live .. In Concert
(those are Kenny's Hands .. yeah .. sigh I Love His Hands)
(that's both Dierks AND Brad)
- Be a part of Relay For Life .. in loving memory of Grammy, Joni and all those lost, and those strong, unbelievable Survivors - Like Melly Mel.

So my List of "accomplishments" so to speak .. isn't very long, but I'm proud of the things I've done, and MOST of the people I surround myself with - some of them, that I surround myself with out of necessity, not enjoyment.   You know the ones.

So again, I wish you all, my faithful readers (read: Friends) ... the chance to complete your bucket list, and the ease at which to do it.

May you find a place, that brings you absolute peace - or if you can't find that place, at least a photo that shows it.

.. With Love and Squidges ..