I'm a fairly simple, easy-going girl.
I always have been (in my own head.) low maintenance. Very few things are necessary to make me happy. A camera, a book, and a little time to myself - perfect afternoon.
After getting married, and having a child? Those types perfect afternoons are fewer and farther between. I have to adjust my way of thinking. So .. Now? A perfect afternoon still involves a camera, but now I don't "need" (always) the time to myself.
Since being married, and a mom - my goals have also shifted. No longer do I strive for professional perfection. No longer do I strive to dine out every night of the week, or even once a week, or even once a month. No longer do I strive to see "The It Movies" while they're in the theaters. No longer do I want to be President, or a Lawyer. Now? Now my goals are .. eating dinner together, at a decent time, at the table. To maybe have some time to myself, once a month or so (Book club) .. to keep in touch with friends (which gets harder and harder to do it seems.) Now, I strive to make sure that Emily has everything she needs, while still understanding the differences between "want" and "need" ...
However, ONE goal that I have had since I was a little girl - third grade, actually, when we moved from Massachusetts to New Hampshire - was to see every Covered Bridge that is still standing in New Hampshire. Legitimately. And to photograph them, naturally. I will complete this goal, even if it takes me the rest of my life.
Thus far, we have crossed 10 of the listed covered bridges off ... (though, since some of them are close, I'm sure I'll double dip a few times. So to speak)
This past Saturday, we decided to take a jaunt to the closest town that we hadn't traveled to - in order to see the two bridges there.
Here are just a few of my most favorite pictures from Saturday, our recent Covered Bridge Excursion.