Monday, September 17, 2012

Simple Goals

I'm a fairly simple, easy-going girl.

I always have been (in my own head.) low maintenance.   Very few things are necessary to make me happy. A camera, a book, and a little time to myself - perfect afternoon.

After getting married, and having a child?  Those types perfect afternoons are fewer and farther between.  I have to adjust my way of thinking.  So .. Now?  A perfect afternoon still involves a camera, but now I don't "need" (always) the time to myself.

Since being married, and a mom - my goals have also shifted.  No longer do I strive for professional perfection.  No longer do I strive to dine out every night of the week, or even once a week, or even once a month.  No longer do I strive to see "The It Movies" while they're in the theaters.  No longer do I want to be President, or a Lawyer.  Now?  Now my goals are .. eating dinner together, at a decent time, at the table.  To maybe have some time to myself, once a month or so (Book club) .. to keep in touch with friends (which gets harder and harder to do it seems.) Now, I strive to make sure that Emily has everything she needs, while still understanding the differences between "want" and "need" ... 

However, ONE goal that I have had since I was a little girl - third grade, actually, when we moved from Massachusetts to New Hampshire - was to see every Covered Bridge that is still standing in New Hampshire.   Legitimately.  And to photograph them, naturally.  I will complete this goal, even if it takes me the rest of my life.

Thus far, we have crossed 10 of the listed covered bridges off ... (though, since some of them are close, I'm sure I'll double dip a few times. So to speak)

This past Saturday, we decided to take a jaunt to the closest town that we hadn't traveled to - in order to see the two bridges there.

Here are just a few of my most favorite pictures from Saturday, our recent Covered Bridge Excursion.










Perfect Late Summer Day <3 br="br">

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Unpopular Opinion ..

I have never - in my entire 31 years of existence - held back an opinion.  I may have softened one.  I may have slightly altered one.  But I have Never Held One Back.

Today - is September 11th.   
Today - is 11 years since the terror attacks on US Soil took the lives of thousands of people.  
Innocent People.

Today - is the day my unpopular opinion *should* probably be held back, but I can't.  It wouldn't be true to who I am.

I fully believe we should, and that we will not ever, forget the events of that day, and those immediately following - and the "reality" that is now.   I fully believe we should, and that we will not ever, forget the victims of that day, and those of the immediate days following.  I fully believe we should, and that we will not ever, forget the heroes of that day, and those that emerged immediately after.

That said.   I don't see how it's healthy, or helpful, to consistently - year after year - replay the events of that day, and those following - on the anniversary.

The people who were in NYC?  Near that field in PA?  In the Pentagon?  Or those who had loved ones who were?  Are not the ones you see posting "I remember" or "never forget" or "9-11" with a little heart - all over social media.  They are not the ones who are giving media interviews, 11 years later with where they were, and what they remember of that day. They are not the ones who need the attention of "remembering" ... they?  remember every day.   They can never forget.

They cannot live their lives 'normally', they cannot escape it.  

We?  We, who were in rural/urban NH or rural Wisconsin or the metropolis California even?  We escape it for the rest of the year, except this one day.  Maybe the week leading up to it.

Those family members who gave birth in the days following - while missing vital members of their family?    They aren't the ones posting "I remember" ... they have an 11 year old reminder, every second of every day.

It is my (unpopular) opinion that reading the names of those lost, every year, is harmful.

It is my (unpopular) opinion that in order to remember, we need to some how - some how - move on.  We need to remember, yes.  Never forget, surely.  but we NEED to move on, not backwards.

These people need to heal.

I have devoured everything written, or created, photographed, reported, recorded, remembered by those that were there - with regards to this day.  This infamous day in History.  I cannot imagine having to relive the  last moments my husband had before his plane slammed into a building in front of the entire world.

I cannot imagine reliving that in front of the entire world.  I don't think we should expect them to.  I don't think we should require them to.

I think there are honorable, respectful ways to remember those lost.  Remember those who have fought every day for us, for them.  I think we can figure out a way to Honor this day.  Without forgetting.  Without reliving.

It's Unpopular, but it's mine.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Every Mile(stone) is a memory

When I started this blog a few years ago, it was as a way to keep my thoughts in line.  a way to record things I didn't want to ever forget.

Memories.  Miles.   Milestones, if you will.

We've had a few of those in the recent past.

Skipping a level in swimming lessons, becoming a "helper" in swimming lessons, moving up from "mini" status in dance class - and being able to move up to a new type of dance (Jazz, we start this Saturday the 8th), getting her very own library card, Kindergarten Orientation --- and the biggest?  Today was her very first day of Kindergarten.

After waking Em up this morning for her first day, she got dressed in her sun dress and jacket.   She had honey nut cheerios and apple juice for breakfast, brushed her teeth and put her fancy dress shoes on.  Her school bus is supposed to arrive at 7:20am.   We had plenty of time for a quick picture (there's always time) We got outside to the bus stop at 7:15am.  We waited in the van (it was slightly raining) for 10 minutes, I got out and looked up and down the road to see if there were any other children waiting for their bus.   There weren't.

I called the school (they're going to hate me) - after the Bus Coordinator didn't answer her phone (nothing new there) ... They radioed the bus driver, and came back ... here's the conversation as I remember it:

M:  Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me the status of a bus?
S:   Sure, what bus?  Do you know who the driver is?
M:  MJ.  It's Labrador at Governors?
S:   Okay, are you looking for a student .. or?
M:  No, my daughter is here, we're just trying to see if she missed the bus?
S:  Okay, I'll be right back.

Time passes -- seems really slow -- and then:

S:  I just spoke with MJ - it sounds like she changed the time.  She said she had been running behind, and had more kids to pick up than originally thought.  She'll be there, at your stop, at 7:13am every day.  It looks like the high school kids weren't getting to school with enough time.
M:  Soooo we missed it today?
S:  I'm sorry, It appears so - she's already come and gone for the morning.
M:  Awesome, I'll be dropping my daughter off then. See you soon!

At this point, I'm so aggravated that they didn't call to notify the parents of the time change - that I have Em buckle in immediately, so I'm not late to work. 

When we arrive at school, Emily is so excited she can't sit still.  I open the back door and she FLIES out.  Forgetting her back pack.

I walk her through the doors where the following conversation takes place:

M:  Okay Bug.  I can't go any further.  I'm not allowed into your class remember?
E:   Mmmhmm.  I remember.
M:  Okay, you remember where to go?
E:   Yup.  To the Left, and I'm in room 1-1-0.
M:  Okay, Have fun, have a good day - and mind your manners?  I Love you!!
E:   Okay, Love you Mommy.   Bye!!!!!!

And away she went.  down the hall, and to her classroom.

Me?  I walked out to my van, head held high - until the door closed and the tears came.   I am incredibly proud of her - walking down that hall, by herself, to her classroom.  Like a Big Girl.

I arrived at the bus stop to get her off the bus at 10:55am.  The bus was due to arrive at 11:05am.

At 11:25am, still no bus - another call to the school.

She was running a bit late, because they wanted to ensure each student knew each driver, and that everyone was where they were supposed to be.  Again, a phone call would have been nice.

When the bus finally arrived, she ran off and JUMPED into my arms.   She was so excited.

She screamed "I LOVE MY NEW SCHOOL!"  Her favorite part of the entire day?  
Getting off the bus, and seeing me.  I am heartbroken, because I can't be there every day ... but beyond thrilled that *this* was the highlight of her day.

Thankfully, the first day is down - I hope this continues ... the happiness, the excitement, the enjoyment.

Her clothes are all laid out for day two, and she's chosen her snack for the day. 

Emily has been asleep since 7:30pm.  Apparently?  She was tired.

Kindergarten Orientation

First Day of Kindergarten