Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Random Survey for the Bored ...

I'm frustrated today.   About a lot of things, and nothing all at the same time.  Questioning --- everything and nothing.  it's just one of those days.

So .. to keep myself busy, I have been playing a facebook game (don't start, or you'll be hopelessly addicted in minutes) called "Hidden Chronicles" -- one of those -- find the object games?  Yeah.  Addicting.   Now - since I'm out of energy -- on that damn game -- I'm taking a Random Survey I found online.  Awesome, I know, you just can't wait!!

On with the questions . . . . 

1) What is your current desktop background?
A gorgeous picture taken by one of my very best friends in the entire world - Jolene Burke.

2) What is your favorite zoo animal?
Toss up - the Raptors (large birds of prey) and the tigers.

3) What was your favorite toy as a child?
He-Man, She-Ra and Hot Wheels.

4) What food do you eat too much of?

The proper question - what food don't you eat enough of? .. I eat too much, of everything.   I didn't just wake up fat.  I made myself this way.   

5) What kind of hairstyle do you have?
That would imply that I had one .. it's way too long, and doesn't behave.  Is that a style?

6) What is your favorite activity in gym class?
Since I'm not a toddler, yet, have preschooler of my own, I'm altering this - my favorite activity at the gym? None.  At the studio?  Kickboxing.

7) What is on the shirt you are wearing right now?
the NFL shield

8) What is the picture nearest you of?
Emily and Mike.  Emily.  My Cats.   Emily, Mike and myself.  Emily.   Emily as a chili pepper.  Emily as a present.  Emily as a UNH hockey fan.  It's a collage of sorts .. of Emily :)

9) What kind of salad dressing do you like?

Kens Italian -- Yes I can tell the difference, No I don't recommend you testing that fact out. 

10) What is your least favorite food?
If you know me - you know the answer - Broccoli and Cauliflower - in any form - cooked, raw, soup, mashed, smashed, and yes, even smothered in a gooey cheese sauce.  Keep the vile weeds.

11) What do you do on a Sunday Night?
Cry that the following day is Monday, and prepare for the morning ritual of crying, dragging feet, timers, refusals to get dressed, refusals to eat - and resign myself that we will be late.  very late.  because it is in fact Monday, and getting a nearly 5 year old (OMFG seriously?  How the hell did *that* happen?!) out the door - in any quick amount of time is a myth unless you put her to bed fully dressed, in a helmet, IV Fed her Breakfast while she was sleeping and had every door/pathway open and clear from bed to vehicle ....... I can dream, right?

12) If you could only use one condiment for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Mayonnaise.    Yep.   It would.

13) What color are your sheets?
White .. the brown ones are being laundered, and I haven't gotten the green ones yet (they are taunting me at target) 

14) What pair of shoes do you wear most often?
On the advice of my orthopedic doctor and physical therapist -- my New Balance sneakers (that are rapidly in approaching in-need of replacement), if the weather is decent, and because I'm a rebel and hate shoes? Flip Flops

15) What is your favorite game?
To Play?  Scrabble .. To watch?   Wheel of Fortune .. Sports Game?  Hockey.  Ice Hockey.

16) What is your favorite Thanksgiving Food?
Duh.  Mashed Taters and Gravy :)

17) What is your favorite pizza topping?
Cheese .. and Pineapples.   Don't judge.

18) What time do you plan on waking up tomorrow?
Seriously!? I get to sleep?!  No friggen way!   Um. truth be told, whenever my body decides I'm done .. or .. 430am when the cats decide I'm done.

19) What is your favorite day of the year?
I don't think I have one .. honestly,  I have a favorite season - Autumn ... followed immediately by Summer (you know the boat thing) .. but a day?  Not so much.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

52 Books, 52 Weeks, 1 Year

SO the year has come to an end - I wanted so badly to write as I read .. alas, real life certainly has a way of screwing things up.

Here are a few reviews:

I read this book as a pick for my book club.  Wendy (the woman that chose it) has been begging to read this book, for the year I've been involved with these ladies, and after reading the reviews, we all agreed that we'd read it this time.  And I cannot tell you how glad I am.   This book is powerful, while being based on a true historical event, it weaves just enough fiction to grip you.   I enjoyed it so much, I actually bought the book form, not Kindle form.  (GASP)

I am not one to read what I'm told to read.  Which is why, in some ways, a book club is the worst place for me to be.  Now, that said.  This book was read prior to my joining our book club (Reading Between the Wines .. great name right?) and all the ladies do is refer back to it when discussing other books (not - plot/character-wise, but more .. how it made them feel ... I'll explain further) ... I was told, months ago, to read this book - by many many people.  Including my Aunt.  It's a "love it or hate it sort of book" and - while I'm not a "love it or hate it" sort of reader, I get what they were saying.  This book was everything I'd been looking for to read.  Historical, but not heavy.  Light, but not easy.  Gripping, but not intense.  I borrowed the hard cover version of this book from a dear friend (the very same who got me into the book club) ... and I bet I'm going to have a hard time returning it.  The discussions always revert back to this book because of the depth in the pages.  The character development, and story -- beyond explanation, unless you've read it.  Take the time, read it.  Then we'll talk.  Promise.  BTW Skeeter?  A-Freakin'-Mazing Woman, and well beyond her time.  Well Beyond.

Even if you're not a mom?  You need to read this book.  Amy Wilson is hilarious, and so much like so many of us - it's hard not to love her words.   She explains things in a way, that while laughing, you have a moment of "I am so not alone! I'm NOT the worst mom in the world, this is NORMAL!!  Other Moms Compromise JUST Like I do!"  Chronicling the trials and tribulations of conception, birth, and those first days, weeks, months - even years - being a first time parent ... and then, chronicling them again, being the first time parent of more than one child.

The Princess Bride: S. Morgenstern's Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure (The 25th Anniversary Edition) discovered and abridged by William Goldman

Classic doesn't even begin to start describing this book .... The movie itself is a must see, must own, love story ..The Book?  Puts it to shame.   Westly, Inigo, Buttercup, The 6 Fingered Man, Vizzini, Fezzick .. they're all there - they are all as wonderful in print, as they are on the screen.   Granted, this is an abridged version of the original, focusing on the actual tale, and not the history of Florin, the compliments of "Mrs. Morgenstern" - it is still very worthy of a read.  (S. Morgenstern does not truly exist, so perhaps this version is the only version.  Perhaps)  And really?  "As You Wish" In print?   Just as powerful in print, if not more-so, than on film.

Coraline by Neil Gaiman

 Really a Novella, but I believe it counts none-the-less ... A few years ago, there was a movie released - A Tim Burton Production no less.  Tim Burton - is a genius.  I will argue that to the death.  The Man Is A Genius.  The worlds he brings to life, are some of the most amazing worlds I could dare to imagine.  Coraline is about a young girl who moves with her parents to a new "flat" -- where there are 14 doors, and only 13 of them open.  Well, only 13 of them open --- Most of the Time.   This book is rather close to the movie, or vice versa anyway - the movie is much like this book.   It contains pictures, drawings, that are placed at just the right times, and help you see the story play out.   The 14th door opens to an alternate universe.  The only thing constant between the two - is Coraline herself.  Coraline is a dark, twisted tale.  At times supremely creepy, and at others supremely charming.    A story that involves charming and dark characters, twists and turns, and a creep factor that is, by all rights, out of this world.

Julie & Julia:  365 days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen  by Julie Powell

One woman's journey to recreate every dish from Julia Child's classic book "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" .. in one year, while blogging, maintaining her marriage and thankless temporary office job - while friends were excelling in their lives, one after the other.   Julie Powell is loveable.  Beyond loveable.  She is Every Woman.  Every woman who has ever seen/heard/read Julia Child and wished, for even one minute, we had the time, passion, interest and expertise (even though she was mostly self taught) to create the dishes she did.  The feed our loved ones the gorgeous, aromatic and tasty creations of Julia Child.  Julie Powell gives herself a challenge.  To prove to everyone, including herself, that she can finish something.  That she can complete a goal, and in the process - finds herself.  Whatever that means to her.  I'm not one to let reviews (obviously, I don't like to be told what to read, and what not to read) dictate to me how I feel about a book - I will say, if profanity and sex-talk offend you?  Don't read this book.  It's not all about cooking.  It's not all about Julia Child,  This Book is about the Journey of One Woman.  And her telling of it.  (The movie - phenomenal)

Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese 

I had a hard time with this book.  This one was a Book Club pick as well.  I won't lie (when have I ever) -- I had a really really really hard time getting through this book.  It was long - and arduous - and didn't need to be In My Opinion as long as it was.  560 pages.  Five Hundred & Sixty Pages.  If you can get through the dragging back story (and I say dragging because, really?  1947 Ethopia .. such a sad time, depressing state, horrid illnesses.  560 pages) ... This is the story of twin brothers Marion and Shiva Stone as they discover the truth of their father - their birth, their mother, their lives, and learn what it is to be doctors in the midst of a Revolution.  Love, Lies, Illness, Betrayal, Rebels, War.  It really does have it all. When I finally did finish it, I was glad I didn't give up.  The end .. blew me away.  The things these brothers, and their family (you'll see what their family consists of, and you'll agree) are put through ... the things they survive ... make you realize, even if you think you're strong - the strength of these characters, puts you in your place.  Firmly.  Even if it took me forever to read it, I'm glad I did.  I'm glad I finished.

Anyway, those are the reviews - and links to the books - thus far.   If there are any on the list that you're interested in - and want my take?  Ask away.  I'll tell you... in no uncertain terms, what I think.  If you don't like my reviews .. meh.  It's okay.  I know what I think, I know what I mean, and it's cool.   I enjoyed my challenge, and look forward to 2012.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year, New ... Challenge

I refuse to make resolutions in January, mostly because I'm a rebel, and stubborn and I generally don't like being told what to do - and when.  I make my own rules, thank you!  (snarky right?  I know!)    

So instead, I set challenges for myself.  And I don't mean your normal resolution type challenges.   Last year, I set a goal to read 52 books.   I read fast, like obscenely fast - during the Summer months I seem to devour books at an alarming rate.   I set a challenge for myself to slow down, and appreciate that which I am consuming.  I did it.  (The list and summary post for a few of my favorites will be up and updated really soon)  I read more than 52, but not much more.   I enjoy reading.   I Live to Read.  I Love Books.   This year, for 2012, I'm raising the stakes.

My challenge this year?   To read 365 different books with Emily.   One book per night (we generally do anyway, but this way, we make sure we set the time aside) - or if she falls asleep early, is sent to bed early for whatever, or we're out somewhere and I can't get the few minutes to read a book, we will catch up the next available night.  So far, we've read 2.   Just about on track, she had a really bad night last night, and had to go to bed early - with no story. (harder for me than it was for her)

I let her pick the books, and I'm keeping a list to make sure we don't repeat books.   My goal, with this, is to share my love of reading - help Emily learn to read, and expose her to new books she may never have shown an interest in - because they don't involve Barbie, Tinkerbell or any of the Disney Princesses.   She has an impressive collection, spanning two floors of our house - in three rooms even.  (our bedroom, her bedroom and her playroom - not to mention the books that are strewn about the house)

The first 2 books she chose, had to do with Easter.  My dear child ... has no sense of a calendar (also something we're working on)  

At this time - Emily knows how to read & spell 12 sight words (as well as a few other everyday words) ... so we're working on making sure she remembers the words she's learned during the week (four at a time) .. we allow her to "help" us read stories to her, and she points out her "Sight Words" ... such a school phrase :)

She recites her phone number, her address, her school name, her teachers, her dance studio, teachers there, her class mates, ETC.  She is beyond smart, and growing so fast, it kills me.  Since I know I can't stop it - I have to embrace it.   And I need to repeat that to myself, at least once a day.

Emily LOVES to read.   Loves book, and loves math.   The books and reading - all me.  The math?  No one knows where THAT came from!!

I also hope to complete the challenge of blogging, at least once a week, to start ;) ... hopefully, more.  I love to write, and I love to write about experiences I've had, or thoughts in my head, or any of the numerous things about me there are out there.   Maybe it'll be just a meme or two, maybe it'll be a review of a book, or movie, or combination of the two.

Maybe, it'll be a scathing letter to LaZBoy Furniture ... we'll see how the next few weeks turns out for that one.

For now?   Reading 365 Stories and blogging at least 52 times this year seems like the place to start.

Besides, if Emily goes the way she's going?  We'll have to lock the books up at bedtime, papercuts to the hands and face are a distinct possibility with this kid.

Photobucket Photobucket

Who falls asleep like this??  An Avid Reader