Monday, February 14, 2011

Demolition Delayed.

By now you've read my previous blog - outlining my plans for our spare room.

Unfortunately, this illness has delayed my renovations.  I cannot breathe long enough, or easily enough to move furniture, and thus, I have found my space building - delayed.

I don't often get sick, and when I do - apparently - I do it right.  What started as a simple cold, has blossomed into an upper respiratory infection, and has decided to blossom once again into a sinus and ear infection as well.  I have gone to the doctor once, and was given a prescription cough medicine, to be taken at night - and nothing else.  Rest, Fluids and Cough Medicine - along with an OTC Sudafed-esque medication (which I actually can NOT take) should have me on my feet again in no time.  That was 9 days ago, and I'm no better off now.  Here's hoping that a few more days of this RFC routine has me back to normal soon.  

My room is calling me.  *sigh*

Good things come to those who wait?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It's time to expand your space, It's Project Time!

Recently, during a witty bantering-esque conversation between myself and my dearest husband, I had mentioned wanted to turn a portion of our basement into a dry pantry - for paper goods, pet goods, bottled water, soda, and stuff like that.  Particularly, the portion that is under the stairs, mostly boxed in already, wouldn't take a lot of money to convert said wasted space into a dry pantry.  We'd have more room upstairs and it would have a place of its very own.   The following is that conversation:  (as I remember it)

Amy:  *after seeing a PetCo commercial advertising stocking up on pet foods* I'd really like to take some of the space in the basement, and make a sort of storage area.  for dog food, cat food, cat litter, paper towels and stuff like that.

Mike:  Um, okay, that sounds good - it wouldn't be all that hard to box in an area, and add some shelving. How big are we talkin'?

A: I was actually thinking under the stairs ... it's mostly boxed in.  We could put a heavy duty sheet of plywood down on the existing two by fours on the floor, holding the wall joists up, so it's sort of off the ground - close in the only open wall (the backside) and add a cheap door, as well as an easy pull light.

M: I'm going to put a toilet there.

A: *pause*

M:  Since I'm going to make half of the basement my work out area .. OUR OUR work out area .. and the other half my um, you know, space - I thought a sort of bathroom would be okay.

A:  Where would you put the cats boxes?   In the bulkhead?  Where you're putting up a door to keep the cold in?  Seriously?  A FOURTH toilet?

M:  Well, yeah, I mean, it's a good idea.

A:  Right, I forgot, this is YOUR house, how dare I even start to ask for something simple for my own perverse amusement.  (insert eye roll here)

M: - No, No, No - not the WHOLE house, just the basement and outside.  BIG Grin.

A:  Huh, okay, I'll go with that.  Even BIGGER Grin.

My Turn.

We have a third bedroom, as of late, we do not use it for anything other than storage.  Junk we don't need, don't use, don't want - whatever.  This space is a complete wasted space.  As of now, it's literally just a catch all.  I had so many wonderful ideas for this room - home office, second baby room (yeah, not any time soon), guest room, library, play room for Emily (she has what should be the dining room, because we have an eat in kitchen, large enough for a table for 8) you name it, I've thought it.

Right this second, I have no place in my own home, that is just my own.  With the exception of my walk in closet.  I hide in there.  True story.  it's heated, there's a light, and it's where most of the spare blankets are kept - making a quiet, cozy, comfy hole in the wall for Mom to hide out.  That is About To Change.

While stalking friends on facebook today I came across a wonderful link:

Yeah.   Now You've Got It!

The best part?  I have a few GREAT pieces of furniture, already stashed in that room, with a few little maneuvers - and a little elbow grease (and little to no money) I think I can make my own space.  After all, Mike's portion is the basement and the outside right? So .. I can have this little tiny space all to myself?   Without making sure he's happy with the changes?   Based on his logic, exhibited above, yes, yes I can.  However, I WILL run it by him, and I WILL be the better person here.  The end result, will STILL be the same.  My Own Space.

Have no fear ... Pictures (before, during and after renovation will be included.)  I may even edit this post and add some before pictures of my "spaces"  (including my closet ;) ha!)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Just what we need ...

I live in New England.  I live in New Hampshire.

In New England, New Hampshire specifically - from the months of October through let us just say April for grins - we can and do expect snow. We often receive obscene amounts of snow, and generally we take it in stride.  That being said ... we have had snow storm, after snow storm, after snow storm, for the past 5 weeks.  Every Wednesday for the past 5 weeks, we have gotten nailed.  Currently, there is approximately 4 feet of snow on the ground in any particular area, and more expected for tomorrow.


Just what we need.   Up to six more inches of this fluffy white stuff.  Thankfully, I suppose, it's coming on a Saturday.  I won't miss work, Emily won't miss school - or dance and kick boxing classes.  Which, if you'll remember, are held on Wednesday Nights!


Now, normally, I (like a true New Hampshire-ite and New Englander) take this Winter crap in stride - however, I have to make a formal complaint.  I'm lodging a complaint with Mother Nature.  We're fighting.  Officially, as of now.  Of course that means she's going to nail us again, every chance she gets, and that it will be all my fault - alas, I will take it.   I will take the blame.  I cannot stand another flake.  I cannot deal with another 6 inches.  I cannot.


But, I will.   Damn It.  I Will.



In the immortal words of some rather important people:

If we had no winter, the Spring would not be so pleasant:  if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.   ~    Anne Bradstreet

Perhaps I am a bear, or some hibernating animal underneath, for the instinct to be half asleep all winter is so strong with me.  ~    Anne Morrow Lindbergh

One kind word can warm three winter months.  ~   Japanese Proverb

Winter is on my head, but Eternal Spring is in my heart. ~ Victor Hugo

Winter is natures way of saying "up yours" ~ Robert Byrne

I like these cold, gray winter days.  Days like these let you savor a bad mood. ~ Bill Watterson

Winter is the season in which people try to keep the house as warm as it was in the summer, when they complained about the heat.   ~  Author Unknown

Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire:  it is the time for home.   ~  Edith Sitwell

Stay Warm my friends.   We're almost through it!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's Here!

Cold and Flu Season has arrived ... and it has arrived with a vengeance.  There are at least a half dozen children that have gone home with fevers, and they all eventually received a diagnosis of strep throat.  One of the guys I work with has been getting steadily worse (health wise) over the course of the past week.  He says it's a head cold, and that it'll be fine by next week .. a likely story!

Mike has been complaining of congestion and Winter aches and pains - and I have been achy, stuffy, sniffly and all that fun stuff.  As a matter of fact, today my chest has gotten worse, I have a slight cough (non-productive of course) and slightly sore throat as well.  Feeling as miserable as I am at the moment, I have decided to share some of my favorite "remedies" ... really, not remedies at all, but things I like to do to make myself feel better.  Even if it isn't REALLY working - it's giving me the illusion of feeling better, and that's all I really want.  I know cold and flu issues have to work themselves out, and really no "medication" will speed up the process so these are just little things that make me feel better.

1 - Drink LOTS of fluids:   preferably, Vitamin C laced fluids.
2 - Consume lots of Chicken Noodle Soup:  preferably home made.
3 - Get lots of rest:  I recommend naps in the middle of the day, curled up on the couch with any furry critters you are owned by.
4 - Read a Good Book: Or at least, part of a good book.  Losing yourself in a world between the pages, and the world of the written word, allows you to (at least temporarily) forget your own problems.
5 - Do the LEAST amount possible:  Keeping busy can make some people feel better, me?  It just really makes me want to take one of those mid-day naps with my furries.
6 - Laugh:  Find something, anything, that makes you laugh - not the full on guffaws, the laughs that make you cough and hack.   Just enough to remind you that no matter how miserable you feel at the moment, there IS happy out there.

May your cold and flu season be short, healthy and enjoyable!