Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Not My Mommy's Corn Chowder

Fall is my most favorite time of year .. mostly, because of the food - At almost 30 years old, It is time I faced the facts - I will always be a healthy eater .. and no, not that kind of healthy - at least, not 100% of the time.

One of my most favorite recipes - ever - is my mom's corn chowder - that I've adapted into my own perfect dish.  (not that her's wasn't perfect, this one's perfectly different)

Here is what you need:  And No, it's not incredibly healthy ... but it's so damn tasty, you won't care
(and I'm sorry - No pictures this time!)

1 half pint of heavy cream
1 sticks of butter
1/2 medium onion (sliced, and sweated* not sure of the terminology, again - here)
2 cans of regular corn (undrained)
1 can of cream style corn
6-8 medium red potatoes (cubed, Small - but not tiny - with the skins on)
2 "cans" of milk (we have 2% milk in our house) - I use the empty cream style corn can - to rinse the extra stuff out and to measure out the milk

In a big pot - "sweat" the onions in approximately 1/2 a stick of butter.  when the onions turn slightly translucent, add your potatoes and stir them up.   Let them "sweat" in the butter and onions for a few minutes.

Add your corn, all three cans, heavy cream and milk .. stir everything up, add the remaining 1/2 stick of butter in small amounts until it is gone and let it simmer on the stove until the potatoes are soft (usually when you can pass your fork through them with little resistance)  

You can salt and pepper your chowder to taste, if you choose - I usually use fresh ground pepper and fresh ground sea salt from grinders.

We usually have bread with this meal, of any kind.


Friday, September 24, 2010

Five Years Ago Today ..

When Mike and I first started dating, neither of us thought it was anything but fun ... our first date was typical - dinner and a movie ... and the rest, as they say .. is written right here (well okay, not the complete rest, but a chunk)

For a long time, I never wanted to get married, settle down, grow up ... for a long time, I just wanted to be me, alone, and against the world - what rebel (but very well behaved and rule following) teenage girl doesn't?  Yeah, you read that right.  I never broke laws, hurt anyone, did anything illicit or illegal - I was never arrested or anything like that either.  Never under suspicion of anything.  The worst I ever did was drive too fast, and get caught - twice.  I liked to think of myself as a rebel, even if no one else did.   See?  That's Rebellion Right There!   Or ... Something Like It - at any rate, That's not what this is about!

After Mike proposed - we decided we'd wait a year or more (maybe even two if the timing worked out) even still - we set to planning.  I like to think I was a very easy bride to please - I had my ideas of what I wanted, and what I didn't - the colors, the flowers, the place, our rings - those mattered ... the favors, my sisters dresses, shoes, hair, I didn't care.  None of that mattered to me.  the seating chart?  Not important, even the guest list wasn't that big of a deal for me.  It wasn't something I needed to stress over - I was marrying the man I loved, and I didn't care what anyone looked like, wear they sat - not even a bit.

That's the complete opposite of what a normal bride thinks - right?   Well, that's what they say.  Not really something I was prepared to stress over.  In my head, that day was going to be perfect - regardless of the details.

Below are a few pictures from "our day" ... which remains a perfect day in my memory, heart and soul.


Perfect.  <3

Happy Five Years Honey .. Even Though I Highly Doubt You'll EVER See This.
Here's to many - many more

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Backseat Driver?

I like to think of myself as a pretty decent driver.   I'm safe, I don't fly down the road, I always use my seatbelt (and refuse to move the vehicle if others in my car do not use theirs) - I follow the laws (well, most of them .. I have been known to run a yellow light, and at times, I do roll through stop signs .. but only after I've looked both ways and feel it's safe enough to go!!) - that being said .. I do have a pretty ... colorful ... vocabulary.

I cannot stand it when people text and drive - forgive me if I offend - however - my daughter and I drive on the same roads, and it takes a split second for an accident.  I've had friends involved in accidents where the other drivers (or they themselves) were texting - or fishing around for their phones.

Now, I'm not an Oprah fan - in the least - I watch her show when Kenny Chesney, or any other musical guest peaks my interest, but other than that - I find her a touch annoying, and avoid her like the plague ... now that I've gotten that out of the way, Oprah and I do see eye to eye on at least one subject - No Phone Zone in the car.   I DO use my cell phone when I'm driving - I keep it minimal, and often will pull over to talk - just to be safe.  There is no way you can focus 100% on driving, if you're chatting, texting, reading, facebooking, whatever - at the same time - and that scares me.  I find myself saying "Be Careful!" whenever someone leaves my presence - now that's not to say I'm worried about the way that THEY drive - persay - it's more about the other people I don't know that may not be driving to keep my loved ones safe.

This is all a preface to the actual reason I'm blogging today ... I have a Back Seat Driver!   Not only does Mike often slam the "pedal" down from the passenger seat, or grab the handle, or brace himself for no particular reason (I swear, I am a decent driver!) - but Emily from the back seat will often spout off some phrases she's heard Daddy - or more likely - Mommy yell out when driving. 

For Example:
Heading to day care today, I was stuck behind a slow driver - now, normally, I'm all for going the speed limit (or well, roughly the speed limit - a few miles under is okay, and a few miles over isn't bad either) - however this person, was literally driving 22 MPH, in a 45 MPH zone .. as in the Highway.  The limit (for those that are not from around here) was lowered because they're doing serious construction in this stretch and it's safer to be on the sides of the highway when the cars are going 45 as opposed to the normal 55.

NOT ONLY was this person driving incredibly (and in my honest opinion unsafely) slow on the highway, she was texting.  That's right people - Texting - While Driving - On the Highway!! ... BAH!   Unacceptable!

The following is an excerpt from our conversation:

Mommy:  Oh.My.God.Seriously?!  Are you kidding?  This is real?  You have to go 22 right now?  Because you're the only one on the road, right!  And I suppose your text is more important than safety - Right? RIGHT!  Yeah, That's what I bet!  You stupid .. Stupid .... aaaaaaaaaahhhhh GET OUT OF MY WAY!!
Emily:  quietly, a little timid perhaps --- Mom.  
More grumbling from the front seat
Emily: a LOT louder and less timid MOM!
Mommy:  Yes dear?  I'm sorry I'm just so frustrated with the person in front of me - what did you need?
E:  (Cranes her neck to see the car in front of us)  I just wanted you to tell that bonehead in front of us to go back to school to learn how to drive again - cuz 'parentty - she forgots.
M: blank stare .. mouth agape .. Huh? Really you think so?
E:  Yep, and since she's not tha only car on the woad, I fink we should tell that police occifer right dere - points to State Trooper on the side of the road - and have hims stop her car.  THEN she'll get out of your way.
M: *sigh* . what have I done to you?

My little backseat driver ... already .. at the tender age of three .. nice one Mom, Nice One!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Overheard in our vehicle ...

On the way home the other night, Emily and I got into a debate.  
I know what just ran through your head - a three year old?  in a debate?  but yes, it happened.  More often than I could possibly count.  Honest to goodness, we debate often.   I know, it's probably hardly healthy, but ... it's fun and she enjoys it.

Here's how it went:

Mommy:  Okay Buggy, We're almost home - make sure you remember to take off your shoes, and wash your hands when we get inside!
Emily:  Sure Mom ... Where's daddy?
M:  well, he's home, making dinner, I just talked to him .. he said dinner will be ready when we get home - exciting right?!
E:  No, he's not - He's working, hewpin' peoples.
M: Actually, he's home. I JUST talked to him.
E: Uh, No Momma, He's WORKING.

At this point in our "debate" I paused, and thought - how can I make this a learning experience.   And then - an idea.

M:  Hey Em, you know this dollar I took away from you the other day?
E:  The one I put in my mouth?  Yep.  I a'membah.
M:  Well, I betcha this dollar - that daddy is in fact at home and making dinner when we get there.
E:  Mmmm ... Nope He's Workin'
M:  Okay, so I'll bet you this dollar, and if I'm right, and he's home making dinner, I get to keep the dollar, and if I'm WRONG and You're Right - you keep the dollar ... okay?  you can't have it if I'm right.   Do you get it?
E:  Sure Mom.  I'll betcha he's working.

At this point we rounded the corner to our road, and our house was barely visible.

M:  ... Okay, ready?  Here's the driveway ... aaaannnndddd ...
E: Oh Rats!  Daddy's Home!!    MAN!
M:  You know what that means?  That means I win, and it's my dollar now.  

Cue Tears, and Melt Down Session.

M: Oh Emily, honey it's okay, you can earn it back - let's work on it okay?  First, let's go inside, take your shoes off, and wash your hands ... okay?
E:  Sniffle, Okay Mom.  Wet's Go Inside.

Two Days Later .........

M: Almost Home!!!
E: Hey Mom.   I betcha Daddy is at home playing my Scooby Doo Game ....
M: Em, Daddy is taking dinner out of the oven - as we speak .. I just talked to him .. I promise.
E: I betcha that dollar he's playing my Scooby Doo Game ... BIG GRIN
M: Okay Emily, I bet you that dollar that daddy is at home pulling dinner out of the oven
E: AND I betcha that dollar he's playin' my game.

Pulling into the driveway .. I have never seen Emily as antsy to get out of the car as she was that night ...

M: Okay Emi, shoes and hands right?
E:  Uh, Yeah Mom, Right!!
As I'm helping her get out of the car (trying to hide my smirk, I was dead sure I would win that dollar ...) Emily JUMPS out of the back of the car, and FLIES to the door - opens it and dead run - into the living room

E:  HI DAD!!  Whatcha doin in here???
(as loud as her little giggly voice can go)
Daddy:  Um, Well, I'm playing Scooby Doo Em.
M:  Yep, you do Em ... grumbling under my breath the entire time.

Nice.   Way to teach a three year old how to gamble mom.   Awesome.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Morning Traditions.

I am not a morning person.   not even pretending to be, will never pretend to be - I am not a morning person.  Never have been.  My dear small child, however, is.  She's is bright and sunny at 2am, just because it's "morning time" - even though A) it's technically morning because of the AM it's still dark and B) she really just wants to come in and snuggle until the alarm goes off .. in four hours .. we kiss her on the head, pat her little behind and send her back to her room until a reasonable hour - like 6am, when the alarm DOES go off.

In order to get myself up and moving, and out the door at a reasonable time - we have started some Monday Morning Traditions (that basically go for every day, but are most important on Monday, to get us back into the weekly goings on - IE School and Work) - these traditions, actually really do help - a metric ton.  (*side not here, I don't really *get* that saying, I just like saying it, and felt it fit well with my train of thought - if it doesn't I apologize and still like it ;) hahaha)

Among these Morning Traditions are these simple things that Emily and I both enjoy doing together.

When Daddy's alarm goes off, we snuggle and watch the morning news for about a half an hour ... in Mommy & Daddy's bed (I know what you're thinking, and the TV doesn't usually get turned on unless I'm home with Emi, at night, and Mike's working - I don't like to be downstairs at night alone, it's creepy - we're surrounded by trees and it's really dark - plus there has been a rash of break ins and acts of vandalism in our quaint neighborhood that really have me on the edge ... and Emily doesn't often sleep in our bed, we just cuddle every morning.)

(Ugh, forgive my appearance, I am not photogenic at 6:45am ....)

Once it's time to get up and out of our bed, (and after I've put my contacts in and we've both done our personal morning traditions) she follows me into her room - where she makes her bed, picks up her "night time toys" and helps me choose her outfit for the day.  


(looking at these pictures, I think I'm going to have to curb her choosing the clothes .. look at the state of the disorganization in that cabinet - and her socks and underwear drawer ... oh dear Lord)

After that it's time to head downstairs with the dogs, and let THEM do their personal morning traditions - and yes, before you ask, she does let them out, then lets them back in, feeds them and makes sure they don't sneak over to the other bowl to finish what the other may have left behind (it's not very often they find anything.)  ... once she has helped with the dogs, it's time to say good bye to daddy - and then ... it's on to the show down.   it is all out warfare in my house after daddy leaves.   It seems, mommy doesn't speak English most days - or at least, Emi's English.

It's a battle to get her dressed, in the outfit she chose ... it's a battle to get her to eat her breakfast, again, that she chose.  I suppose in the long run, having a stubborn, independent little girl isn't a bad thing ... except at 7:30 in the morning, when we're "rushing" out the door .... 



Bye Daddy!   Don't Hit My Tree!!
(there is a story there, I promise ... just not today)

Also, she takes after me in more ways than I care to admit.

For example - there are 2 fields out by where we live that house cows.  Yep.  as in more than one.  As in an entire herd of cattle.  I Love It.  As does she.   Each day, as we near these fields - she stops whatever she is doing - singing, chattering, snacking - whatever - and pauses to look out the window .. if there are cows there, she yells - I mean Yells .. COWS!!!!!!!!

When we went to leave, after snapping these pictures over the course of a few days, she said
"Thank you cows, for letting Momma take yer pi-t-cher .. Have a good bre-ffast - and a better day!!"   :)

If there are no cows in the first field, she sighs - and then looks at me and says "Onto the Next Field Momma!" ....

This morning?  There was only one cow in the second field:


Perplexed, Emily cocked her head and looked at me ... 
"I suppose, I should just yell .. COOOOOOWWWWWWW"

How I love our Morning Traditions.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Picture Perfect day ...

A few weeks ago, we decided since Emily had passed her second year of swimming lessons (Yay! Emi!) we would reward her with a trip to Story Land.

A month or so back, we had the opportunity to purchase two full price tickets, for the price of one - that's right, another shameless plug (because I get nothing out of it) for the Half Off Fun Club and the Buyers Club offered by the Citadel Broadcasting Company (who own and operate WOKQ apparently) ... so for the whopping price of 27 dollars, we were able to take Emily to Story Land, it was amazing.

After getting a late start, and stopping for a bathroom break and donut run (yep, we stopped for a mid-drive snack - as if it were an eight hour drive, and not just a two hour one!) - we finally made it!   They have this tunnel - as a safe way to cross Route 16 to get to the entrance of the park.


Emily Loved It!


After a quick photo op we started in on the place .. there is so much to do, and so much to see, there was no way we could hit it all - but we sure tried!!

There's a Leprechaun in the tree Daddy!!!

From the kids play area we entered "tot land" - she's not a fan of people in costumes, or talking things, so it was a challenge to get her to try things - the Old Lady in the Shoe?  No go.  The talking tree where you sign your name to a leaf and hang it on the wall?  No go.   The ball pit, Peter Pumpkin Eaters House, and Making Daddy stand in a silly spot - Sure Why Not!?!?

From there we tried out the Madhatter's Tea Party .. I really thought this one would be a 'never mind' moment, but she loved it - and asked if the line wasn't too long, if we could please ride it again later - the line was incredibly long when it was time to leave, so we ended up only riding it the once.


Then it was time to move on to the Castle.


While we were waiting for the Pumpkin Ride to the top of the hill to "Cinderella's Castle" we stopped off for Emily to have her face painted.  After standing in line and deciding what design she wanted, she changed her mind at the last minute and decided to go for a tattoo instead .. it was glitter and it sparkled, she was sold.
When they showed her the Tinkerbell?  There was no question.  She even got to choose her colors.

Once that was done it was time to head to the top of the hill.  The Pumpkin Ride line wasn't getting any shorter, so we decided to take the short walk up, and hitch a ride on the way down.

When we got there?   Guess who was inside?!?!
Cinderella herself!   Emily was so excited to show off her new tattoo, she couldn't wait her turn in line, and we had to hold her back a few times.   She was very polite when it was her turn, and she loved getting to meet a REAL LIVE PRINCESS!

After we waited for our turn in the pumpkin ride, we headed down to the swan boat ride, the pirate ship and the carousel.
Waiting Patiently for our turn.

One of the only two German Antique Carousels in the world.  The horses rock front and back instead of up and down, she loved it and couldn't wait to ride it again.

Time for another photo op!!
There was no way I could fit myself into that pumpkin, but she begged me to try :) LOL

She even got to drink from a lion!

They have a small "water section" where the kids can cool off on those incredibly hot days.   Emily had a great time splashing through the puddles, posing for pictures, and shooting water out of the water cannons.

My daring child even road the wacky barn with daddy .. it's like the crazy bus at the fair, except - a lot different!

Finally we took part in the "tractor rides" where sadly the camera that snaps a fun picture of the occupants of said tractor, was broken.  So we could only get a picture of Emi herself.

Not that she had a problem with it!

After that was all done, we wandered around a bit, had something to eat, and entered the "Loopy Lab" where she was hardly still enough for me to snap a clear picture - then it was on to the gift shop and then home .. it was a super long day, but it was totally picture perfect day ... where I was pleasantly rewarded with a bonus:
a covered bridge!

This vacation day - was a total success!!

Hampton Seafood Festival ... 2010

This past weekend was an emotional one for many.

Along with the 9th "Anniversary" (I personally don't think that's a proper word, as Anniversaries, to me, are in celebration of good things ... but for lack of a better word, I'll go with that one for now) of the terrorist attacks, many people said good-bye to their loved ones who are being sent - first to the midwest for briefing and training - and then over seas to assist in the troop withdrawal from Iraq (and other missions, I'm sure we know nothing about) ... in order to overcome this incredibly emotional time, we decided to head to the Hampton Beach Seafood Festival - for which I had won passes to thanks to some trivia from The Children's Museum of NH on their Facebook page.

Since Emily is way under 12, she was allowed in for free, and I had won four bracelets, we decided to invite 2 of our best friends - Ryan and Brandie.   Sadly, Uncle Ryan couldn't make it - he had to work, since they're putting the ice in at the arena, he couldn't find anyone to cover his shift :(.  We had a great time inspite of his absence and I *think* we're going to make this a yearly tradition, hopefully, he will be able to attend in the future.

You may be wondering why in the world would Amy want to attend a Seafood Festival, when in reality, she doesn't eat seafood?!  Well, it was something new and different that we've never taken part in, that we thought would be an exciting thing to try, and hopefully, if it all worked out, we'd have something new to do in the future.

Since we had the free passes, we decided to take the offered shuttle to the Festival, and "enjoyed" our first school bus rides since graduating from High School ... since Brandie and I partook (is that really a word?) in hockey, color guard, and a few other extra curricular activities, we took the buses a lot our senior year, to and from away games and what not.   It was Emi's first ever time on a school bus, and had it been not so crowded, I would have taken her picture.  She enjoyed it more than any child has probably ever enjoyed riding in a big yellow, over crowded, hot school bus.   And for that one reason, I enjoyed it as well.

(for the record people did NOT obey this sign!)

Once we finally arrived at the beach, we had to walk to the entrance tent, and get Emily her sticker, and have them put our bracelets on, and then - it was on to the Seafood!  Since it was so crowded, we decided to take turns carrying Emily so she didn't get swept away with the tide of people, or get lost in the shuffle.

Emi's very first ride on Daddy's Shoulders .. well, the first one she asked for :)

The Food Was Unbelievable.
There was food from like 30 different vendors, a beer and wine tent (which we did not enter.), foods of all varieties - more than just seafood.

Our Snacks for the day
Lobster Ravioli, Fried Clams, Fried Dough and Fried Scallops

For the first time - that I can recall - I actually tried a product with lobster in it - fresh lobster even.  And I liked it - a lot.  I ate every bite - with the exception of three .. the one I gave Mike to try, the one Emi tried, and the one she spit out.  (I think it was too hot for her, and she just ... instinctively ... opened her mouth to get it out and I wasn't fast enough to catch it before it hit the ground - so sad)

After we had eaten our fill, we decided to walk around some more, and check out what the other vendors had to offer.  We decided to take Emi to the "kids area" and see what that was all about ... but first - she wanted to play on the playground.


Her favorite was the Fire Truck :)

When she'd had her fill of the playground, and was ready to head back to the shuttle, she wanted to stop and play a game - for a dollar a draw, she got to choose a rubber ducky, and won a prize based on the size written on the bottom.   Her first and only pick was a duck dressed up like a princess - it had a "large" written on it, and she won a "large prize" - her choice was a Bugs Bunny Kite.  Because the ladies that were running the booth (again, thanks to the Children's Museum, as I believe it was theirs) thought she was cute, and were happy she was so excited to win, they also gave her a yellow Frisbee.    (I promise, pictures to come of her enjoying them too)


All in all we had a really fantastic day, and cannot wait to do it again - maybe even next weekend for the Prescott Park "Fishtival" ... we'll see.