Thursday, July 29, 2010

Funtown - Splashtown .. USA!

This is the summer of discontent . wait . no, that's not any where near right.

This is the summer of different experiences - new experiences - fun experiences ... and it continues ... Emi's daycare recently took a field trip to a local amusement park called "Funtown Splashtown USA" it's a combination amusement park and water park ... there are over 45 rides, of varying sizes, degree of intensity - from the Dragon's Decent (a 225 drop) to the standard and ever present Carousel ... I had never been there before, and neither had Emi.  Daddy couldn't get the day off from work, so he missed this experience.  No worries, we'll be going back.

Our group consisted of 31 people.  9 adults, 22 kids .. of varying ages .. from 2 through 13.  At any given time I had no less than 4 children in my care, and they were all amazing.  Minimal meltdowns, and no tantrums or fighting to speak of.  They each got to ride every ride at least 3 times (well, their age/height/weight appropriate rides) with the exception of the Flume ride, bumper cars and the Antique cars, the lines for those 3 rides were insane ... We did only the "Funtown" portion, with 22 kids it was easier to keep track of them in smaller groups - away from the water park.  They didn't seem to mind.

Here are a few of the pictures I took .. there weren't many taken (maybe 85 I think) I had too much to look at and take care of to stop and shoot as much as I wanted too:

"We're at Funtown Mom, let's play!"

Waiting for the big kids to be done with the "Dragon's Decent"

Carousel Time!! 

The Frog Hopper - a small child's version of the dragon's decent .. they loved it.


Emi and her BFF from School Kyrie .. they were inseparable all day!

The Antique Cars - Kyrie was a great driver!


Emi and Kyrie waiting for the big kids to be done with Excalibur, the roller coaster

These are my favorite pictures from that day:


Emily, Kyler, Kyrie and Brayden .. waiting for the big kids .. 

Emily, Kyrie and Sadie
snack time, at the end of a long - fantastic - day ... 

If you know anyone in the local area looking for child care?  I highly, highly, HIGHLY suggest Emi's daycare .. this field trip could have been chaos ... 31 people - 22 CHILDREN - loose in an amusement park?  We knew where everyone was, what everyone was doing, lunch was scheduled, snacks and bathroom breaks were scheduled.   Sue is an amazing woman, and if you know me, really well, you know I am not quick to trust people with the care of my child .. I would never hesitate to trust Sue.  If ever I needed anything, she'd be there for me, and I love her for that - and for what she's done for Emily.

I'm a hiker?

I recently enjoyed a hike up Mount Agamenticus in York, Maine.  To be honest, I didn't even know there was a mountain there, let alone a hike-able one.  To be even more honest?  I doubted, sincerely, that I would make it to the top, alive, under my own power - even though, barely 4 days before my hike - my 3 year old daughter made it to the top - with no whining, no stopping (except to read the little store posted at certain points) and smiling the entire way.

I made it.  Barely.  Apparently, I may have to build up my endurance before I even think of attempting this again .. no, no, that's not right - I WILL build up my endurance and I WILL hike again .. maybe not Mount Major, or anything strenuous like that - but Blue Job?  I'll own you!  ;)

The ride to the mountain was just as enjoyable as the hike up (and down) ... Sonya and Sue (a fellow parent, and Emi's teacher) listen to the same station as each other - a station I was unaware of.  I think it was 95.3 (A Boston/Portland station) - they have this "bit" called a "Phone Tap" where they call unsuspecting people, and mess with them - on the radio, for all to hear, laugh at, make fun of and enjoy -- It's amazing, and my new addiction.    More on that later ........

For now, here are some of the pictures I took (I didn't take nearly as many as I wanted to - I couldn't seem to focus ... )



Funky Mushrooms


A Spider web, suspended in midair



The Old Ski Lift - and it's history


The sunlight through the trees 


My foot . . . I was really there!

And the view - or what would have been the view - from the top:




... An answer to a serious Question ...

That's All There Is To It
R.I.P Renee, you were one of a kind.


Always in our hearts

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Noted Quote-ables.

I've recently suffered a loss .. my first friend, from my first house, passed away in a car accident last week.  I still can't really fathom that she is gone, and though we hadn't spoken in about a year - I miss her more than I could say.   She lived life to the absolute fullest.  

I do have some things to write about, though I can't seem to concentrate on the words long enough to make the words make sense, so I feel the need to steal (poach, borrow quote) the words of others ... Enjoy:

One man all by himself is nothing.  Two people who belong together make the world. ~ Hans Margolius

Presence is more than just being there. ~ Malcolm S. Forbes

The way to love anything, is to realize that it might be lost. ~ G.K. Chesterton

For some moments in life ... there are no words ~ David Seltzer

In the book of life, the answers aren't in the back ~ Charlie Brown (Charles M. Schulz)

Happiness is anyone and anything that's loved by you ~ Charlie Brown (Charles M. Schulz)

Imagination has brought mankind through the dark ages to it's present state of civilization.  Imagination led Columbus to discover America.  Imagination led Franklin to discovery electricity ~ L. Frank Baum

If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there ~ Lewis Carroll 

I Laugh, I love, I hope, I try, I hurt, I need, I fear, I cry.  And I know you do the same things too.  So we're really not that different, Me & You.  ~ Colin Raye

Be yourself.  Above all, let who you are, what you are, what you believe, shine through every sentence you write, every piece you finish ~ John Jakes

We have no right to ask when a sorrow comes, "why did this happen to me?" unless we ask the same question for every joy that comes our way. ~ Unknown

You haven't lost your smile at all, it's right under your nose.  You just forgot it was there. ~ unknown

Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing, there is a field.  I'll meet you there.  ~ Rumi

Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind. ~ Rudyard Kipling

Friendship, I fancy, means one heart between two. ~ George Meredith

Friday, July 23, 2010

Frivolous Friday

Suffering another bout of bloggers block, I am looking at useless fact websites .. in an attempt to jog something interesting to write about.

I've come up with 20 of the most useless Animal (including a Slug fact!) facts I've read this morning ... 

20.  Penguins can jump as high as six feet in the air.
19.  The Platypus can eat it's weight in worms, every day.
18.  St. Bernard dogs - do not - carry kegs of brandy - and they Never Have.
17.  Snakes don't bite in rivers or swamps, because they would drown if they did.
16.  The giant tortoise can live longer in captivity than any other animal.
15.  Cows are the only mammals that pee backwards.
14.  You CAN house break an armadillo.
13.  Giraffes cannot cough.
12.  Deer cannot eat hay.
11.  Bats ALWAYS turn left when leaving the cave.
10.  A crocodile cannot stick out it's tongue.
9.    Chameleons and sea-horses can move their eyes in two different directions at the same time, which enables them to spot predators more easily.
8.    Cheetahs can go from a standing position, to 45 MPH in two seconds.
7.    A Giraffe can last longer without water than a camel.
6.    Dogs have 17 muscles in their ears so they can turn them in several directions to pick up sounds.
5.    Flamingos can only eat  with their heads upside down.
4.    A blue whales tongue weighs more than an elephant.
3.    All Porcupines Float.
2.    Slugs - have Four Noses.
1.    A hippos mouth, measures two feet across.

There you have it - 20 animal facts ... that you are now a little sillier for knowing.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Stress Relievers

There are few things in life that stress me out (other than your normal every day life stresses - financial worries, health worries, etc.) .. some of those things are work related, and some, are not. 

While I'm at work, there are a few things I keep handy to relieve the stresses that may rear their ugly heads ... here are a few of my most favorite Stress Relievers - when punching the stress bringing offender is not an option:

8. Bubble Wrap Game - seriously, what's less stressful than popping bubble wrap?  Make sure your speakers are on, and don't mind the creepy voice when you click for a new sheet ... (Manic Mode is fun ... )

7. Free Tunes - either make your own station - or listen to a pre-existing one ... Pandora is a fantastic invention.

6. Free Shows - and movies too .. my number one addiction .. no joke.  it's fantastic to have on in the "background".

5. Animal Pictures - no matter how bad or stressful your day seems, these can make it better in an instant.

4. Funny Stories -  these little gems are sometimes worth the time it takes to dig them out ... even though, I'm sure - some of them HAVE to be made up.

3. Better Pictures - for those who love "teh doggehz" more

2. Newly Acquired - again, some of these are too good to be real - but all of them are giggle worthy

1. When All Else Fails - when your day seems to be getting worse with each tick of the clock ... click this link, someone out there, is probably having a worse day than you are :)

Enjoy Friends!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lack of sleep - makes one loopy!

When I say lack of sleep, I don't mean, a few hours here and there, or one night where I've not been able to fall asleep, stay asleep, or what have you .. I mean .. the past almost week now of a couple hours of sleep a night, and then I'm awake for the remainder of my "sleep time" ... it's wearing on me.

For example - last week, I actually got ONE FULL night of sleep - I was bouncy, happy, silly, punchy .. I had a great day (or most of a great day, right Andrea?) it was fantastic, and I'd love to do it again - soon ... Although, you know - my goal isn't even 8 full hours - not right now, I'll have to work my way up to that ... I'll settle for 6, or even 5 .. I've tried reading before bed, not reading before bed, watching something silly on TV, not watching TV ... sleeping aids, no sleeping aids ... going to bed earlier, going to bed later ... and combinations of two or three of those things ... nothing seems to work.

Today, going on day 7 actually - I've run out of options.  I am going to go home tonight, have dinner, take a hot shower, put Emi to bed, and probably take something and go to bed myself.  HOPEFULLY  I can sleep the entire night, and if not, at least most of it.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Feeling Pretty Good Today ..

Welcome to Musical Monday ...
I've had "Bloggers Block" again for a little bit now, and can't seem to make the stories work in print.  They seem fine in my head, but when written ... not so much.

SO .. today, I have a song for you ... a song that has been stuck in my head for a few days now, since Thursday the 8th actually - and it's one of my favorites:

I've always considered myself a decent person, and a decent friend .. one I would want, if I had the option .. lately, I've been doubting that because of one person.  One Person whom I thought was my best friend.  One person I've seemingly wasted 10 years of my life with .. memories are jaded, pictures show better times, and the phone - doesn't ring anymore ... at least, not from this "friend" ... I understand people grow apart, and life is busy, and sometimes it's hard to include people you used to move mountains for.   What I don't understand?  is how you can hurt a child.   Especially, Mine.

That is where I draw the Line, THAT is where I decide a "friendship" isn't worth my child's tears.   There will come a time when this person needs me, it's happened before .. there will come a time when they will call, and they will expect me to answer .. to help, to lend a hand, an ear, or just .. be there .. I Won't Be.   Not This Time.  There Will Be No Next Time.

I am too decent of a person to go into any further details, though, most of you - my faithful readers - will get what I'm talking about, and if you don't ... well ... consider yourselves lucky that I've never had to cry on your shoulder over this person.

Here is my musical dedication:
From the group - Simple Plan
It's called:  Thank You

I thought that I could always count on you,

I thought that nothing could come between us two.
We said as long as we would stick together,
We’d be alright,
We’d be ok.

But I was stupid
And you broke me down
I’ll never be the same again.

So thank you for showing me,
That best friends can not be trusted,
And thank you for lying to me,
Your friendship, the good times we had you can have them back


I wonder why it always has to hurt,
For every lesson that you have to learn.
I won’t forget what you did to me,
How you showed me things I wish I’d never seen.

But I was stupid,
And you broke me down,
I’ll never be the same again.

So thank you for showing me,
That best friends can not be trusted,
And thank you for lying to me,
Your friendship the good times we had you can have them back

When the tables turn again,
You’ll remember me my friend,
You’ll be wishing I was there for you.

I’ll be the one you miss the most,
But you’ll only find my ghost.
As time goes by,
You’ll wonder why,
You’re all alone.

So thank you for showing me,
That best friends can not be trusted,
And thank you for lying to me,
Your friendship, the good times we had you can have them back.

So thank you - for lying to me,
So thank you - for all the times you let me down
So thank you - for lying to me,
So thank you - your friendship you can have it back

Our Trip to Whitefield ...

In order to understand what a gigantic win this was for me, you need to understand my husband.

Mike ... drives for a living, he spends his day in and out of a service truck - and is even bounced from delivery truck to crane truck whenever the need for help in those areas arise.  So to get him to take a multiple hour, few hundred mile day trip - just to allow me to see a hotel, and possibly meet some TV Personalities, is huge.  They weren't even there - for the record - no one was - and it was pretty rough, but we had a good time anyway.

Here are a few of the pictures from our day trip ... I apologize for the lateness, and the lack of story ... 


(A little history: "The Willey House, formerly a small inn and residence in Crawford Notch, is the site of a landslide that claimed nine lives in August of 1826. Though the surrounding area was strewn with boulders and debris, the Willey House stood unharmed. The family however, perished in the landslide, becoming part of the legend of Willey House." Taken from:

The reportedly haunted (yet still majestic) Mount Washington Hotel:



Emily asked if she could take a picture too:

Our Destination - the Spalding Inn:

Daddy and Emi, posing with one of the "Knights"

The View from Behind the Inn.

We had a really great day, and even though "they" weren't there, we still enjoyed the ride, and scouted out places for our next "northern" day trip.

Because I was driving - I couldn't take many pictures - Mike's not as good at it, and refuses to "screw up a possibly great shot" trying.   There were a few things we saw up that way that ... normally, would cause a person a moments pause, to digest what in fact was seen.  To name a few?

An Elderly Gentleman walking his Microwave.
An Elderly Gentleman monitoring the watering of his flowers, by a timed - automatic sprinkler system.
A Motorcycle hanging from a tree.
A Gentleman and his young son hitch hiking down Crawford Notch ... we would have stopped, had we not had Emily, and had 2 more seats in the van.  We offered to call them help, but they weren't interested in that.