Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tuned in Thursday

Every once in a while, I hear a song - a song that speaks to me.  Volumes, even.  

Whether it be speaking about my mood, my memories - or just fitting that time in my life, there happen to be songs, that I hear at JUST the right time.   This one - makes me laugh, and relaxes me EVERY single time I hear it.   I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Pray for You:   Jaron & The Long Road to Love

I havent been to church since I don’t remember when 
Things were goin’ great ‘til they fell apart again 
So I listened to the preacher as he told me what to do 
He said you can’t go hatin’ others who have done wrong to you 
Sometimes we get angry, but we must not condemn 
Let the good Lord do His job and you just pray for them 

I pray your brakes go out runnin’ down a hill 
I pray a flowerpot falls from a window sill and knocks you in the head like I’d like to 
I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls 
I pray you’re flyin’ high when your engine stalls 
I pray all your dreams never come true 
Just know whereever you are honey, I pray for you 

I’m really glad I found my way to church 
‘Cause I’m already feelin’ better and I thank God for the words 
Yeah I’m goin’ take the high road 
And do what the preacher told me to do 
You keep messin’ up and I’ll keep prayin’ for you 

I pray your tire blows out at 110 
I pray you pass out drunk with your best friend and wake up with his and her tattoos 

I pray your brakes go out runnin’ down a hill 
I pray a flowerpot falls from a window sill and knocks you in the head like I’d like to 
I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls 
I pray you’re flyin’ high when your engine stalls 
I pray all your dreams never come true 
Just know whereever you are, near or far, in your house or in your car, 
wherever you are honey, I pray for you. 
I pray for you

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I Love Betty Crocker ...

I've never claimed to be a world famous chef, or even a decent cook ... but lately, I've been trying new recipes, and seeing how they work - adding a twist here or there to make it my own.

A few days ago, I tried these "Grilled Chicken Paprika Chicken Dinner Packs" - and let me tell you, it was one of the easiest, tastiest recipes I've tried to date.  An entire meal prepared and served in one aluminum foil packet.  No Joke!

With grilling season upon us, I thought it was a good idea to share it with my friends - So here it is - the Recipe, and my step by step.

Ingredient List:
4 Boneless Chicken Breast Halves (I only used 2, but they were big guys) - (+/-) 1 1/4 lbs
2 Cups Quartered Small Red Potatoes - 4 or 5 of them
*1 1/2 cups of baby-cute carrots - cut lengthwise in half
*1 cup frozen green beans
1 cup chicken gravy
2 tablespoons all purpose flour
1 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme leaves
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh parsley

* I used 2 1/2 cups of frozen mixed vegetables instead of the baby carrots and frozen green beans .. it seemed to work very well *

Now that you have all your yummy ingredients, here is what you do with them:

Step 1:
Heat coals or gas grill, for direct heat.  Cut four (or two) 18x12 inch pieces of heavy duty foil.  Place chicken breast half on each piece of foil:
Step 2:
Top chicken with veggies & potatoes:
Step 3:
In a small bowl, mix flour and gravy until well blended, then drizzle over chicken & veggies:
then sprinkle with paprika and thyme:
Step 4:  Fold foil over chicken and vegetables so the edges meet, seal - make a tight 1/2 inch fold - fold again.  allow space for the sides for circulation and expansion.
Step 5:
Cover and grill packets over medium heat for 30-40 minutes, rotating the packets 1/2 turn after 15 minutes - until juice of the chicken is no longer pink, and the vegetables are tender.  Place packet on plate, cut a large X across top of each packet, fold back foil, sprinkle with parsley.
(we didn't serve it this way - we had to share with Emi ... )


My baby is growing up!!

Emily had her "Three Year Check Up" (or, wellness visit) Monday.  I am so proud of the way she handled it, I can't even begin to tell you.

Usually, she cries the minute we stop to turn into the driveway, and continues to cry until the minute we leave.  And that is no exaggeration.  Like her mommy, she hates having her feet touched (unless it's a pedicure) and hates to have her ears looked at.

THIS time, however, she didn't even whimper as we pulled in ... didn't even whimper when they called her name ... didn't even whimper when they measured her (36 1/2 inches tall!!), weighed her (29.4 lbs!), did a hearing test (yep, they touched her ears!!) a vision test, asked her a bunch of questions, which she could answer properly, and promptly.   Nope, not a whimper, not a tear .. and when we had to put on a Johnny?



Nothing!   Like a champ, she stripped down and put it on and patiently waited for the doctor to come in.

She let him look in her eyes, ears, mouth, nose - the whole thing.   Counted her fingers, her toes, checked her tummy, her legs, her arms ... and then, drama.

See you, as a parent, spend your time teaching your kids that no one is allowed to touch, or see, their body - they are to keep their clothes on, and not show "themselves" to anyone.  Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, guardians, are okay to help them in the bathroom when they need it, and bathe them when they need it - but otherwise, that's your body, and no one has the right to it.

So funny, we forget to add DOCTORS.   So, when he went to make sure everything was okay - there - she flipped,  "NO!  That's my body, you're not allowed to touch my body!!!"  We calmed her down, and while praising her for being right, explained that Doctors are okay, as long as their making sure everything is okay (IE infections, how things are forming (or what not) and to see if you're "wiping" properly) - she stopped squirming and yelling long enough to finish her examine.

She's Perfect.  She even peed in a cup for the first time!!  And her pee? (LMAO I know, gross right?) well, it's perfect too.

Upon leaving the office, after receiving her FIVE Stickers - usually it's only 3, but because she did SUCH an amazing job - they gave her a couple extra - we were walking through the parking lot (Stop, look both ways, when it's safe - hold mommy's hand and cross) she looked up at me and said:

E:  I'm bigger.
M: Yep, you sure are!
E:  Yeah, I'm a big girl, you know what that means Momma?
M: Um, what's that mean Em?
E:  I can say bad words!!  Because I'M bigger!
M: While stifling laughter:  Well, no Emi, that's not what that means - you need to remember those words you hear that are "bad words" are also, ADULT words, and until you're an adult, you can't use that sort of language.   Have you noticed Mommy doesn't use bad language around you?  That's because you have little ears, yes, they are bigger - but not quite big enough.
E:  SIGH.   So, when am I an adult then?
M:  Giggling, not for a while <3

Yep, My Baby, is Growing Up!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Planning our Summer Vacation(s)

This year, instead of taking a week off and spending it all in one place - we've decided to take day trips, visit local touristy places - and instead, enjoy the state we live in.   Things that are inexpensive, or free, highlighted by things that we've always wanted to do - but haven't (before this year) had the time, or energy, to do.

Now, of course, our summer's going to be punctuated with yard work, and silly things at home - because this way, we can enjoy each other, and our home.

On our list of things to do/see/experience (among others I'm sure) - The Mt. Washington Auto Road (the one where they drive, the van wouldn't make it LMAO), The Isles of Shoals Steamship Company, The Science & Nature Center at the Seabrook Nuclear Plant, Odiorne Point State Park, The Squam Lake Natural Science Center in Holderness, The Spalding Inn in Whitefield, Strawberry Banke - eventually, we will visit each of these places, this year we're at least visiting the Mt. Washington Auto Road, the Seabrook Nuclear Plant Science & Nature Center, the Isles of Shoals Steamship Company, The Spalding Inn and Odiorne Point State Park, which has the Seacoast Science Center inside.   Not to mention the lakes - we WILL be boating.

There are 2 programs that I'm aware of put on by Citadel Broadcasting company - The Half Off Fun Club and The Buyers Club.  Each week (every Tuesday and Friday I think) a new deal is offered.   They are gift certificates - for half the price.  Now, they SAY there are no fees, but to be honest with you - there is a 3.75 fee for each purchase, not each gift certificate, just each purchase.   They call it 'Shipping & Handling'; however they mail it first class mail, with a 44 cent stamp - Odd.  Either way, we got one hundred dollars worth for the Isles of Shoals, for 53.75 (with fee) and the Mount Washington Auto Road is a fifty dollar gift certificate for 28.75 (with fee) ... still, so much more affordable than the whole dollar value. 

Here are a few links - as we complete our Day Trip Checklist, be on the lookout for blogs - with pictures, to detail our adventures!!   This summer, Every Mile will INDEED be A Memory (or seven thousand!)

All in all ... It sounds like a fantastic summer, hopefully - it works out as we've planned, in the past - nothing ever works out when you plan it.  We may end up taking some cash out of the ATM, packing a lunch - and just, driving. See where we land.

Hope you all enjoy looking at what we're planning - and again, if you know of any place in our area (inexpensive would be great) that Emily, or we, would enjoy - please, feel free!   We're SO Open for suggestions!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

In Deep Smit

It would be completely horrible of me, to let this day pass without giving a shout out to my bestest friend - of all time.

... Triscuit Pizza's, Cow Punches, Silly Sleep Overs  ...


Happy Fourth Wedding Anniversary, To Mr & Mrs. Jim Tiberio, Jr.


Andrea & Jim, I hope you have a fantastic "you" night.   All my love, now and always - thank you for being in my life, for sharing my special days with me, and for allowing me to share your special days, with you. 

So my Dog ran away last night ...

Before I start this - Dexy is home, and safe - a little wet, cold and dirty when she got home - but home, and safe none-the-less.

Here's what happened:  (a la Monk)

We let our dogs out, to do their business, without leashes, without fencing - we allow them to wander in our yard, and do their thing.  With Pixie losing her sight, rather rapidly at that, we've had to take more time with her, to ensure her safety.  Not that we mind, she is our baby, and needs our help - so we do it ... we carry her up and down stairs, we leave our furniture where it is, and the stairs (For Emily's safety as well as hers) are gated, no one can go up or down without opening those gates, and thankfully, Emily hasn't figured it out yet.

Last night, while Emi and I were on our way home, Mike let the girls out - as he turned his back on Dexy, to help Pixie up the stairs, Dexy bolted.  Now, normally, she'd come back after being called for, and since it was raining, we didn't think she'd be gone for long.

I got a call on my cell phone, "Um, Dexy really ran away, I don't know where she is, or where to even look - but I'm out walking down the road looking for her, be careful when you get home."   NOT Entirely a conversation you want to have when you're driving down the highway, especially in the rain, with a small child in the back seat.

Upon arriving home, I send Emily into the house, to go Potty, take off her shoes, and watch some cartoons.  Mike's still walking down the road, and I'm tromping through our yard (which, if you haven't seen it?  It's 3/4s woods and trees) in the rain, wearing big, chunky boots, jeans that are too long for my short self, calling for my 13 pound dog - that has 6 teeth.   Mike gets in the van and decides to do some tours of the neighborhood and surrounding area, hoping he'll see her trotting up the road or sniffing in some bushes.  No luck.  After 20 minutes of him riding around, he comes home to see if I've seen her.  I put Emily in the van with Daddy, I couldn't just - sit at home and hope, without being out there looking.

I walked our neighborhood (it's one mile, total) knocked on neighbors doors, gave descriptions of the dog, when she went missing, where she was when she went missing, and asked if they'd let me know - if/when/where - they'd seen her.   A few of our neighbors went out looking, stopped eating dinner, got in their cars, walked their dogs, just - helped.  I was honestly, shocked.  We don't know a lot of our neighbors, they are new, or keep to themselves.  I was touched, and amazed at the help we received.

After calling the police in two towns (we're on the border of two towns) to see if anyone had reported seeing her, and having the local cops come out and look with us (again, amazing) we decided to take Emily home - get her warmed up, fed and ready for bedtime.  While one of us still walked around and called for Dex.  On the phone with my mom, making Emily's dinner, I found a new resolve.  I was not going to rest until my dog was home, safe and sound.

I finished making Emily dinner, and went onto the deck - I started shaking the bag of dog food, calling out to her, telling her it was time to eat, time for bed - anything I could think of to get her to come home.  Not in an angry way, in a scared - concerned way.  I'd like to think anyway.  I went back inside to check on Emily, not one to leave her alone as she eats - and turned around to see Dexy FLYING across the backyard, out of the woods.  I opened the door, called her over, and talked to her, coaxed her into the house - she was scared, dirty - like filthy - wet, completely soaked - she came in, I closed the door behind her, and let Mike know she was okay, and home.

Completely angry with her for running away in the first place, but so relieved to have her home, I got into the van, and drove around the neighborhood to let the neighbors know that she was home, safe and to thank them again for helping us.  We called both police stations and let them know as well.

The things we do for our pets ... UGH!   I could have screamed I was so happy to have her home.  I fell to my knees and hugged her tight when I got home, told her how naughty she was, and how incredibly happy we were to have her home.  From that point on, she was leashed when it was time to go out.

Today?  I have blisters on both feet, my legs hurt, my back hurts, my rear end hurts - you'd swear I'd run a marathon!!  But Dexy is safe, at home, and snuggling with Pixie I'm sure.

At this point, it is important for me to thank Jo.   I was texting with her - at times completely incoherently - as I was walking, knocking on doors, and calling out for Dexy.  I don't think I would have been able to accomplish all I did, without her.    Thank you Jo!   Even though I wasn't coherent, you did help me stay calm(ish) :) LOL

The Escape Artist

... Smile ..

It honestly hurts my heart, when someone I care for is hurting ... especially in such a way, that I cannot fix it.  It is not my place to say why, or who, this is referring to - but I know she'll get it.  And if it fits you too - then I did my job twice, or more.

Please know, whenever you need me - I am here.  I love you!  My life would not be the same without you in it.

Smile though your heart is aching 
Smile even though it's breaking 
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by 
If you smile through your fear and sorrow 
Smile and maybe tomorrow 
You'll see the sun come shining through for you 

Light up your face with gladness 
Hide every trace of sadness 
Although a tear may be ever so near 
That's the time you must keep on trying 
Smile, what's the use of crying? 
You'll find that life is still worthwhile 
If you just smile 

That's the time you must keep on trying 
Smile, what's the use of crying? 
You'll find that life is still worthwhile 
If you just smile

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Spectacular Side Dishes.

I've been cooking more and more lately.  From main dishes, to side dishes - and I've come across a side dish that is easy, tasty, and somewhat good for you.  Somewhat, because they're made with real butter and sea salt.
Which, really, isn't good for you.    Okay, on with the food!

Start with a pound of fresh green beans:


Snap the ends off, and rinse them well.   Make sure to drain them well, otherwise it will water down the butter and garlic.


Add butter, garlic and any other seasonings you may want, to taste:
(I use Kate's 100% Pure Sea Salted Butter and minced garlic - fresh when I have it, but jarred when I don't)


Here's a trick I learned - AFTER this batch:


Put the garlic in last, then it won't burn and will season the butter AND green beans.
Here's is your finished product!


The perfect side dish for any meal, I mean any.  This time?  I used them as a side dish to baked pork chops.  Which I don't really care for, but I'm really proud of the way they came out.

Monday, May 17, 2010

I have a variation of the bird flu ...

There are a few things in life, that I can't live without (feel free to browse my previous blogs for a list of those things - this is not a list, but an expansion)

Obviously, my family and friends, boating, photography - but above even boating?  My obsession with birds.  Birds of all kinds, but mostly - the big guys.   Seriously, in my opinion there is nothing more beautiful than a large bird in flight - or just chilling in nature, as they're meant to be.

It is my mission to photograph, hopefully, but at least witness some of the more majestic birds whenever, and where ever I can - whether they be seagulls, (I know), Hummingbirds, Eagles, Hawks, Falcons, Loons, Ducks (of all varying species) - it doesn't matter.  If I see a bird in flight, or doing something I think is nifty, I'll stop.

Here are a few of my favorite "bird shots" ... I hope you enjoy looking at them, as much as I enjoyed experiencing and photographing them!!

This first set is from York's Wild Animal Kingdom (For those of you in my area, I know, it's a horrid place, but Emily enjoyed it, and there isn't anything as close .. if you know of a decent zoo near us, please let me know - we are completely open for suggestions.)


This next set is from camp in Houlton, ME - where we went on vacation last summer:


These others are from either Ossipee or Sunrise Lakes.

Ossipee Lake:  (last Summer)


Sunrise Lake:

Behind Cardinal's Plaza (no, really!)


Sitting on a building downtown:


Nature - and - Beauty at it's finest ... Truly.

:) Happiness for me?  Watching birds, taking pictures and enjoying family time.

Friday, May 14, 2010

It's No Secret ...

I'd like to believe I'm a pretty open book - I mean, don't get me wrong, I have areas that are private - but for the most part, I'm pretty open.

As far as things go, I call them as I see them - I sometimes, more often than not, don't have a filter.  Sometimes, I just - sort of blurt.  When it comes to my child, and what I want - or think is best for her, it's not a secret.  There is no question, what I think is best for her, what I want her to do, or what I think of parenting techniques - that either I use, or others around me use.  I'm a wealth of opinion, and generally, it's a very educated opinion.  When you become a mother, your brain automatically changes.  You no longer think of the best thing for you - first, you become second - or lower - on your list of life importances - you think of what's best for your child, your charge.   Well, in my opinion, that's what you do.

Far be it for me, a parent for a mere three years and 27 days, to give parenting advice to any of those parents who have been "doing it" longer, for more children, or "better" than I.  

The reason for this - almost rant infused - blog, is because I got a phone call today.  From my child's daycare teacher.  Now, keep in mind - she is MY child, and has been ever since she resided in my belly, for 2 weeks too long.

Let me digress a moment, a little background for you.
Emily has been attending this daycare for nearly two years now.  She spent the better part of her first 2 years here in my office with me (so recommend this if you have the option) where I spent my time working, and working with her.  Teaching her words, to walk, to talk, etc.  I didn't miss a single "first" ... and that was exciting to me.  This daycare has been wonderful.  Beyond wonderful, for the both of us.  It is 3 minutes up the road from my office - a small, in home, center - that focuses on the kids.   THAT is important to me.   That was one of the selling points, actually - even bigger than the distance from my desk to her front door - was that they do everything they can - to make sure the kids are learning, playing, having fun, developing, are happy, healthy and safe.

She is very bright, quick witted, intelligent, polite (most of the time), sociable, friendly - a very happy, healthy, well rounded toddler.  She knows her ABC's, she can count to 20, put her shoes on, take them off, she's been potty trained since barely 18 months - she helps with laundry, dishes, taking care of the dogs and cat, and a lot more - all around - she's a very smart girl.  (not to brag).  At 3, barely 3 at that, I wasn't thinking of enrolling her in pre-school this coming fall.  I don't think she needs it, I think she's better off waiting another year - do I think she will benefit from pre-school - yes, when the time is right.  Do I think that time is now?  or this coming fall? No, I really don't.  Mike and I have discussed it, and we were in agreement - it would hinder her development, to take her out of where she is - even part of a few days a week - to learn things she already knows.   Or re-learn them as the case may be.

There is a 'pre-school' run out of one of the local high schools here.  It isn't on my list of "possibilities" for Emily to attend, because for one - I don't like the director.  I don't care for their "teaching" methods, if you even want to call them that - personally, I wouldn't, but I was being polite.

I've told Emi's current daycare provider this, in no uncertain terms - many times.  It remains no secret that I do not care for that "school" and wouldn't be sending Emily, nor would I be sending any future children I may have (don't read into that, it was a moment of pure anger) to that place.  I am not interested, Thank You Very Much.

APPARENTLY - I wasn't clear, or the daycare teacher thinks I wasn't clear.

I received a phone call today, that really floored me.

This past September (both before and after these discussions about this place) the director of Emily's daycare put MY CHILD on the list of interested students for a place in the classroom at this 'pre-school' (run by high school students I don't know and a Director I don't care for) - and wanted to let me know she'd done so.   --- Pause --- you did WHAT NOW?

She wanted to be sure she'd told me, and that it was a really hard place to get into, so she wanted to be pro-active that Emily was going to be able to attend "class" there, especially with one of the other little girls that goes to her current daycare.

I swear to you, my dear faithful readers, my vision went red.  Now, it's not appropriate to go off on this woman, as she still currently cares for my child's well being while I'm at work - so I took a deep breath, let her tell me how wonderful this "school" is and how great it'd be for Emi and her friend to go together, and how after a mere 6 months - they've already been bumped from 13th & 14th on the list to 1st & 2nd.  They haven't "gotten in yet" (as if it really is some posh, top of the line, over the moon expensive - private - hard to get into places and not a glorified daycare center, in a high school, run by a hack director and students who would really rather be anywhere else other than teaching my kid - again, this is strictly my opinion of the place, and I apologize if anyone else has other opinions of it.  I've done my research where MY child is concerned - it may be a place for someone else's but, not mine.) but the list moving as fast as it has, ensures a spot for Emily.

Then, when she was finished, I said "I'll speak to Mike this weekend, and get back to you Monday."  In reality, I've already spoken to her about this - many times.  So this afternoon, in about an hour or so, I'll be speaking to her again, and I'll be removing her name from the list.  I'm not interested in a place, means, no thanks - put another kids name on the list.

I know she thinks she's helping me - but really, she's just broken a small piece of trust away from me.  If she's signing Emily up for this behind my back - and supposedly waiting 6 months (and many conversations) to tell me, what else is she up to?  In 2 years, if I haven't made myself clear - I don't think I ever will.

I mean, really, my interest is what's best for Emily.   Look at her:

Shouldn't it be?   Shouldn't I be able to tell an adult in her life something, and have it be respected - and honored?  Not just because I'm her mom - but seriously, because I'm her mom!   AND I pay your paycheck every week.  

Am I wrong here?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Please Read and Sign this petition ... if you want to :)

My last blog touched on friends that had a devastating weekend - Since they weren't my stories to share, I wasn't going to ... until now, and I'll only share one.  I'm sharing this one, not to spread the sadness and add to her grief, but because I too agree with what she is doing - to turn her pain into action.

I got a text message Sunday morning, a notification that my Facebook had an update.   I only have a few friends on FB that I follow with my phone (it drains my battery something wicked.) - Jo is one of those friends.  I read that she was concerned about her dog, Allie.  Saturday morning she had ingested some mole poison they had put in the backyard - and buried.  Thinking the heavy wood would be deterrent enough to keep Nosey Allie out of the hole - they went about their business. 

After hours, agonizing hours, of Allie being at the Emergency Vet for care, she passed away at 10:04pm, Sunday night. 

Knowing Jo as I do, this loss isn't just another 'pet' ... Jo cares for her animals, like no one I know.  These dogs are her children, and to have one lost - at 14 months old, for what turns out to be a veterinary mistake - is more than heartbreaking.

Jo has turned her pain and anguish into anger, and started an online petition to stop the use of strychnine (the poison that killed Allie) in products used around people and animals.  Unknown to me, and I'm sure many other people, there is no treatment or cure for strychnine poisoning.  At All.   For people or pets.   That scares me.   I have 2 small dogs, a small cat, and a small child (of course, they are no more important than the other, I love them all the same - I know, what mom can say that?!  A Mom like me.  To love one more than the other?  It's not in me)

Please, if you love your pets, or children, or both - as much as I, and Jo do - please read the attached petition and sign it, and if you are so inclined, please pass it on.  Together, we can send a message - and save lives.

RIP Allie Marie, your missed every second Sweet Girl.

Online Petition
Online Petition

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It's been a hot minute!

So it's been a while since I last blogged, and for that - I apologize.   This weekend was filled with ups and downs, and heartaches, that while they are not my own (and therefor I cannot share what they were, or are) I felt them as if they were.

Saturday was the best day of the weekend for me.   Since we had a very busy day planned for Mother's Day (including visiting both our moms, and both of his grandmothers - as well as other errands we had to run) Mike decided to do whatever I wanted on Saturday.  What I REALLY wanted, was to spend the day on the boat - but since it was raining - we couldn't do that.  Instead, my dear husband indulged me in one of my long time hobbies.  Stalking Local Celebrities. 

Now, before you get all .. vigilante .. I know they deserve their privacy, my argument is - then they shouldn't be on TV and advertise where they're shops are located.   Okay, I know - not a great argument, but one that I will continue to make.

We started out driving around a little, to get my bearings - see, we got rid of my beloved Trailblazer (in an effort to save a LOT of money a month, and because it just sat there - what a waste!) and Mike refuses to drive the mini-van unless he completely has to - I don't know my way around, really - I can't find a lot of things, unless I go there often.  I know, don't judge.

Ending up in Maine, which was our destination anyway, along the way - as small children often do - Emily needed to go potty.  We stopped at a little place along a very long stretch of road (I can't even tell you what road, or town it was!!) it was the first driveway I saw with a sign ...   "Mrs. C's Bakery" (had I thought of it, I would have taken a picture of the sign) after pulling down the driveway, and getting out of the car, we entered only to be greeted with a very large sign that said "Sorry, No Public Restrooms" ... much to my dismay ...

Since we were there, and Mike (in all his diabetic glory) decided he wanted some home made sweets.  Lord Help me!   We got to talking to the owner, a very nice woman named Suzanne, she allowed Emily and I into the back (her basement - of her home) to use a small toilet - as long as we didn't let her new kitten "Patches" out - and didn't tell anyone, it's "our secret" she had whispered to Emily.  Of course, to a 3 year old, this is fantastic!  A Secret?  A place no one else is allowed?  Show Me The Way!    After spending an unnamed amount of money on homemade donuts, maple squares, caramel candies, lollipops, fresh baked bread (which somehow, the dogs ended up getting {Super Cringe} not by our hands mind you) and some fresh baked peanut butter cookies, we thanked our fantastic host and drove away.

(emily and her huge home made chocolate donut - sugar covered, of course)

On to my destination! 
A little back story, if you will ... On the Discovery Channel (one of my favorites) there is a "newer" show, about two brothers, and their research and development company - they do work for the military, and pretty much, that's it.   They are the Howe Brothers.  Mike and Jeff Howe.   (if you've never heard of it - check it out, it's really very interesting - and a LOT of fun) 
A few months ago, Mike had shown me their shop in Eliot Maine.
(and here)
Since then, they've out grown that area, and have either purchased, or leased a larger space - a little way away.  Okay quite a large way away.   It's easy for Mike to find these locations, because - they are Eastern Customers :) ha!  A little sneaky, I know - but so worth it for me!

The Howe Brothers, and their crew, have done very well for themselves and are now occupying this space:
and their sign got a little bigger too

From there, which totally made my day, we traveled throughout that portion of Maine, stopping on the roadside in Cornish to take some spectacular pictures:

After seeing that, we headed south, towards home - ending up in Wolfeboro, at the "Wolfe's Tavern" at the Wolfeboro Inn (OMG you have to go there, if you haven't try it)
(totally stole this from their website, but seriously, go there)

And ended up in Conway/Ossipee NH on Route 16 - where we stopped at Yankee Furniture, to spend money we didn't have - well, really, window shop - for things we'd really like to own.  Some day.

Along that road, Route 16, we saw this old house, that I always say I want to photograph ... I don't know why - but the house speaks to me, every time.


I'd love to get the owner (or banks) permission to take some better pictures, inside - outside - doesn't matter .. these were taken on the fly, sort of - because it said "No Trespassing" in the window.   I may bite the bullet and call the realtors office, and explain that I'd like to add photos of it to my portfolio, without revealing the location (unless they give me permission) ... and see what happens, I'm just not that gutsy yet.  :) I'll get there.

After such a long - and really glorious - day we decided to swing into the nearest grocery store, buy things to make some fantastic grilled cheese sandwiches, on earlier purchased home made bread, and rent some movies from the Red Box inside.  

Arriving home, we decided it was far to late to make an actual meal (we'd eaten "lunch" at nearly 4) we popped some popcorn and hunkered in for some movie time.   We watched the "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past" (pretty funny, at times) an hour long disc of "Johnny Test" (Emily chose that one!!) and I fell asleep 40 minutes (if that) into "Inglorious Basterds" (we'd put Emily to bed before that one) all in all, it was the PERFECT Mother's Day gift.  Spending the day, dilly-dallying throughout two states, with my two loves.

A Belated, but still very sincere, Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers!!   (yes, Fur Babies count!!)